User talk:English spelling

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Restrikted Reform of English Spelling

If we go dhe whoel hog about reforming English spelling all at oens, dheer can onli be khaos and disaster.

Our aim is to remoev dhe existing khaos.

Without causing too much damaej and in order to redeem a little bit of orderliness in English spelling, we kould reform dhe spelling in just dhe marjinal areas enkompassing haphazard konsonant assinments as well as with respekt to a partikular vowel anomali, dhe final muet e.

Dhus our attention will be heer onli on

// c, ch, g, gu, ng, ph, q, th, y and muet e //.

The letter c givs troubl in such kombinations as ca, ce, ci, co, cu and ch.

The letter g is troublsoem in such kombinations as ga, ge, gi, go, gu, gh and ng.

The letter kombination qu is unnesessari and q itself is superfluous in the presens of a k in dhe alfabet.

Muet e, influensing the pronunsiation of a preseeding vowel across a konsonant, is an absurditi.

Wheerever c is sounded as s, replaes it bi s. Wheerever it is sounded as k, replaes it bi k. Restrikt dhe ues of ch to ch as in church. Replaes ch by kh as it refers to an orijinal velar frikativ and not a stop liek k as in khaos (chaos), kharakter (character).

Wheerever g okkurs, it is restrikted to dhe sound g as in go.

If aniwheer g, ge or gi ar sounded as j, replaes dhem bi j. Konsekuentli replaes gu bi g, exsept in words wheer dhe u is sounded.

Dhe kombination gh may be omitted when silent or replaesd bi f when sounded f as in rouf for rough and by g when sounded g as in getto for ghetto.

Dhe kombination ng in sing, singing will remain unaffekted. But in finger, linger, etc., it will be replaesd bi ngg to spell fingger, lingger, etc.

Dhe komnbination ph, when it sounds as f, should be replaesd bi f. If dhe h in ph is separaetli sounded, dhen ph will remain ph.

` Replaes qu by ku, where the u has a value as in kueen for queen. Elswheer replaes it by just k, as in baroek for baroque.

Retain the international value of q as in Iraq, where q indicates a farinjal stop. (If q is uesd in plaes of ng, as sujjested in one skheme, Iraq will be read as Irang, talaq (a forein word which okkurs frekuentli in English) will be read as talang).

Dhe kombination th as in thought and then, could respektivli be represented as th and dh, to show the vois-voisless distinktion.

Replaes dhe letter y, uesd as a vowel, bi the letter i.

Lastli, our 'silent man', dhe muet e.

Plaes 'him' befoer dhe preseeding konsonant and not after it.

Soem (some), koem (come). With dhis minimal chaenj let us see what English looks liek :

Dhe English langguaej

Dhe English langguaej is a perfekt example of a disastrous, khaotik, haphazard and grotesk spelling sistem.

As the langguaej of an islander, till soem tiem in the past, it kould kut itself off from the rest of the world, even from its neibouring Euroep.

Today English is not the islander's langguaej aloen. It is everibodi's langguaej.

Its spelling assinments, dhou different, should not klash too much and too drastikalli with dhoes of odher world langguaejes dhat ues dhe Roman skript.

English spelling, improevd in its kualiti of regulariti, will look kwiet neat and pleasing to the ey, well, if you haev dhe ey for it.

At dhe saem tiem, it wouldn't haev chaenjd too drastikalli from dhe present day standard English. What is moer, anibodi kan easili switch over to it with the least konfusion.

It kan be taut to children kwiet easili.

` Later, when and if dhis reform has goen in well with dhe uesers, dhe odher moot kuestion of kombination of vowel letters kould be looked into.

Till dhen we kould restrikt ourselvs to dhis minimal chaenj.

I do believ dhat dhis is mi best kontribution towards a minimal spelling reform.

If dhe British kueen adopts it as dhe kueen's English, dhat would giv dhe nesessari sanktion for the islanders to ues it as dheir offisial spelling.

Dhey kan happili sing :

God saev dhe kueen --Perin80g 05:24, 28 June 2006 (UTC)