End (topology)
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In topology, a branch of mathematics, an end of a topological space is a point in a certain kind of compactification of the space.
Let X be a non-compact topological space. Suppose that K is a non-empty compact subset of X, and a connected component of , and V ⊆ U ⊆ X an open set containing V. Then U is a neighborhood of an end of X.
An end of X is an equivalence class of sequences such that , where Ui is a neighborhood of an end.
Two such sequences (Ui),(Vj) are equivalent if for all i, there exists j such that , and for all j, there exists i such that . Given an end and a neighborhood of an end U, U is called a neighborhood of if there is a sequence (Ui) such that and . The notion of an end of a topological space was introduced by Hans Freudenthal.
For example, has two ends, with ends given by .
Ends can be characterized in a number of ways using algebraic functors. For example, the set of compact subsets of X is partially ordered by inclusion. Taking complements defines a partial order on the set of complements X − K where K ranges over all compact sets. An inclusion of compact sets induces a map, using the π0 functor, from . The inverse limit
over all compact subsets K defines the set of ends as a topological space.