Employment website

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An employment website is a web site dealing specifically with employment or careers. Many employment websites are designed to allow employers to post job requirements for a position to be filled. Some employment sites describe differenct job descriptions or employers. Through a job website a prospective employee can locate and fill out a job application or submit resumes over the Internet for the advertised position.

There are reputed to be more than 40,000 employment sites in existence the largest of which are represented by The International Association of Employment Web Sites, a trade association for the global online employment services industry. [1]


[edit] Employment pre-Internet

Before the Internet enabled Employment Websites to advertise job positions, employment opportunities were limited to browsing the classifieds section of the paper, word of mouth and TV. Job seekers were required to find current work related classified ads in their area which imposed geographical limitations upon the individuals wanting to find employment outside of their State or Country.

Once a job was located the job seeker would have to type a cover letter, print out their resume and either personally deliver, send by mail, or overnight express their application to the employer. This task was not hard to do but was very expensive, time consuming and limited the number and area of employment an applicant could apply.

[edit] Employment post-Internet

While many Job Seekers still use classic methods to find jobs, Employment websites provide Job Positions in real time all over the world.

What used to take weeks now takes minutes. Employment websites now allow the applicant to find a job opening then submit an application/resume through password protected software and webmail.

Employment websites have completely changed the way employers look for qualified job applications. Today, Job Seekers can search, browse and apply any time they wish regardless of time or day of the week.

[edit] References

  1. ^ The International Association of Employment Web Sites.

[edit] External links