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The Emirian culture represents the transition between the Middle Paleolithic and the Upper Paleolithic in the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine).
The Emirian culture apprently developed from the local Mousterian without rupture, keeping numerous elements of the Levalloise-Mousterian, together with the locally typical (but not frequent) point know as Emireh point. There are also numerous stone blade tools, including some curved knives similar to those found in the Chatelperronian culture of Western Europe.
The Emirian eventually evolved into the Antelian culture, still of Levalloise tradition but with some Aurignacian influences.
[edit] See also
[edit] References
- M. H. Alimen and M. J. Steve, Historia Universal siglo XXI. Prehistoria. Siglo XXI Editores, 1970 (reviewed and corrected in 1994) (original German edition, 1966, titled Vorgeschichte). ISBN 84-323-0034-9