EMC Symmetrix

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Symmetrix DMX1000
Symmetrix DMX1000

The Symmetrix is EMC's flagship enterprise storage array. There have been seven generations of Symmetrix hardware, with the first appearing in 1994 and the latest introduced in 2006.


[edit] History

In the mid-to-late 1980s, EMC was an add-on memory and minicomputer disk drive supplier, struggling with quality problems and a niche market presence. Dick Egan, the company's Co-founder and Chairman seized an opportunity and hired a team of Israeli developers, led by Moshe Yanai, who were at the time developing an IBM compatible mainframe product for Nixdorf Computer Corporation. The team had a vision to develop a high performance disk array for what was then the largest disk subsystem market, the IBM mainframe.

The Symmetrix began in 1990 as an ESCON and SCSI connected storage array, but rose to prominence with the introduction of Fibre Channel-based SANs. The product was initially popular within the performance hungry airline industry and customers who were willing to deviate from the safety of IBM's slower 3390 disk subsystem and take a risk with the unproven but substantially higher performance Symmetrix.

EMC eventually replicated its success in other industries and broadened its product line beyond mainframes into open systems and added innovative software features such as Disk mirroring and SRDF, a remote disk-to-disk replication capability.

EMC Symmetrix generations
Generation Model Drives Slots Description
First generation Symmetrix 4200
Symmetrix 4400 4 MB cache, RAID1
Symmetrix 4800
Second generation Symmetrix 5500-3
Symmetrix 3.0 Open Symmetrix, SRDF, FWD SCSI Front End option, RAID-S
Symmetrix 4.0 Symmetrix 3330/5330 9/18GB 32 Introduction of TimeFinder
Symmetrix 3430/5430 9/18GB 96
Symmetrix 3500/5500 3/4/9GB 128
Symmetrix 3700/5700 18/23/47GB 128
EMC Symmetrix 4.8 Symmetrix 3630/5630 18/36GB 32 Introduction of FC front end
Symmetrix 3830/5830 18/36/50GB 96
Symmetrix 3930/5930 18/36/50GB 256
EMC Symmetrix 5.0 Symmetrix 8430 18/36/50/73GB 96 333 MHz PPC
Symmetrix 8730 18/36/50/73GB 384
EMC Symmetrix 5.5 Symmetrix 8230 36/73GB 48 400 MHz PPC, last SCSI back end
Symmetrix 8530 36/73/181GB 96
Symmetrix 8830 36/73/181GB 384
Symmetrix DMX DMX800 73/146GB 120 500 MHz PPC, FC back end, Direct Access to cache from all FE and BE directors
DMX1000 73/146GB 144
DMX2000 73/146GB 288
DMX3000 73/146GB 576 1000 MHz PPC, RAID 5 capable
DMX-3 73/500GB 2400 1.3 GHz PPC, Mirrored Global Cache, new denser drive packaging
DMX-4 73/750GB 2400 1.3 GHz PPC, Mirrored Global Cache, new denser drive packaging, 4 Gb internal infrastructure

[edit] Current Hardware

The high end DMX-3 array, fully populated holds 2400 disks (up to 500 GB FC drives), runs eighty 1.3 GHz PowerPC processors, half a terabyte of cache memory, and 64 2 GB Fibre Channel), or GigE/iSCSI front end connections.

DMX-2 configurations:

  • Symmetrix DMX-800EL: 8-60 drives, 4-64 GB cache memory, 8 x 2 GB FC front ends, modular rack mount
  • Symmetrix DMX-800: 60-120 drives, 4-64 GB cache memory, 16 x 2 GB FC front ends, modular rack mount
  • Symmetrix DMX-1000: up to 144 drives, 64-128 GB cache memory, 48 x 2 GB FC front ends, single cabinet
  • Symmetrix DMX-2000: up to 288 drives, 128-256 GB cache memory, 64 x 2 GB FC front ends, two cabinets
  • Symmetrix DMX-3000: up to 576 drives, 128-256 GB cache memory, 64 x 2 GB FC front ends, three cabinets

DMX-3 configurations:

  • Symmetrix DMX-3 950: non-expandable version of Symmetrix, up to 360 drives, up to 128 GB cache memory, 8 front-end ports, one or two cabinets
  • Symmetrix DMX-3: up to 2400 drives, up to 512 GB cache memory, 64 x 2 GB FC front ends (even 4 Gb FC's are available at this time), two to nine cabinets

DMX-4 configurations:

  • Symmetrix DMX-4: up to 1920 drives (or up to 2400 drives for 500 GB drive only configurations), up to 512 GB cache memory, 64 x 4 GB FC front ends, two to nine cabinets

[edit] Symmetrix Software

  • Enginuity - Symmetrix Microcode
  • TimeFinder/Clone
  • TimeFinder/Mirror
  • TimeFinder/Snap
  • TimeFinder/FS including NearCopy and FarCopy (applicable only in the EMC Celerra NAS environment)
  • SRDF/S - Synchronous data replication. Source is always is sync with the target. Semi-synchronous mode, where source is 1 I/O ahead of target, is also supported.
  • SRDF/A - Asynchronous data replication. Source is minutes ahead of target.
  • SRDF/DM - Data Mobility. It is a data migration tool for replicating source volumes to remote volumes over short or long distances.
  • SRDF/Star - An add-on to SRDF/A and SRDF/S. It allows incremental replication to several other arrays.
  • SRDF/CG - Consistency Groups. SRDF/CG helps maintain data coherency across a group of devices, local and remote.
  • SRDF/AR - Automated Replication, combine SRDF/Timefinder and automation for rapid recovery over any distance. Source is hours ahead of target.
  • SRDF/CE - Cluster Enabler, allows use of SRDF within HA Cluster frameworks (SRDF agent for VCS or MSCS)
  • OpenReplicator - Copy data to/from any other device on the SAN
  • OpenMigrator/LM - Seamless migration of Windows hosts from array to array (two reboots required, not other mods to the systems)
  • LDMF - Data Migration for Mainframes
  • EMC Control Center (ECC) - a family of products for graphical storage resource and device management. It supports disk arrays, SAN fabric switches, and host OSes by multiple vendors. ECC supports SMI-S and provides extensive monitoring capabilities. It also includes Storage Scope for performance and capacity data collection and trending.
  • Solutions Enabler - API (written in C (programming language)) and CLI for managing Symmetrix arrays.
  • Symmetrix Management Console (SMC) - GUI for managing Symmetrix
  • EMC z/OS Storage Manager (EzSM) - Symmetrix management in a Mainframe environment

[edit] External links
