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Developed by Emacspeak Inc.
Initial release  ?
Stable release 25  (23 November 2006) [+/−]
Preview release 26  (?) [+/−]
Written in Emacs Lisp
OS Cross-platform
Available in English
Genre Screen reader for a Text editor
License GPL
Website http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net/

Emacspeak is a free screen reader for Emacs which is written in C, Emacs Lisp and Tcl and developed principally by T. V. Raman (himself blind since childhood, and who has worked on voice software with Adobe Software and later IBM) and first released May 1995; it is portable to all POSIX-compatible OSs. It is tightly integrated with Emacs, allowing it to render intelligible and useful content rather than parsing the graphics (hence it is sometimes referred to not as a separate program, but a subsystem of Emacs proper); its default voice synthesizer (as of 2002, IBM's ViaVoice Text-to-Speech (TTS)) can be replaced with other software synthesizers when a server module is installed. Emacspeak is one of the most popular screenreaders for Linux, bundled with most major distributions

Emacs achieves its integration by being written largely in Emacs Lisp using "advice", enabling it to literally be a wrapper around most functions that change or otherwise modify the display. Auditorily, verbalizations are pre-emptible, and common actions like opening a menu or closing a file have a brief sound associated with that particular action; it also immediately verbalizes all insertions of characters, and attempts to speak as much of the context sentences around the cursor's present location as possible.

Emacspeak facilitates access to a wide variety of content from the web to DAISY books.[1]

On Monday, April 12, 1999, Emacspeak became part of the Smithsonian Museum's Permanent Research Collection on Information Technology at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.

[edit] Version naming

Emacspeak is currently at version 25, much like CVS GNU Emacs. Each release was codenamed after a dog (probably named after Seeing eye dogs).

  • Emacspeak-95 (code-named Illinois)
  • Emacspeak-96 (code-named Egypt) made available in May 1996
  • Emacspeak-97 (Tennessee)
  • Emacspeak-98
  • Emacspeak-9.0 (AKA Emacspeak 99) code-named BlackLab
  • Emacspeak-8.0 (AKA Emacspeak-98++)
  • Emacspeak-10.0 (AKA Emacspeak-2000, code-named WonderDog)
  • Emacspeak-11.0 (code-named Aster)
  • Emacspeak-12.0 (code-named GoldenDog)
  • Emacspeak 13.0 (YellowLab)
  • Emacspeak 14.0 (TopDog)
  • Emacspeak 15.0 (SmartDog)
  • Emacspeak 16.0 (CleverDog)
  • Emacspeak 17.0 (HappyDog)
  • Emacspeak 18.0 (GoodDog)
  • Emacspeak 19.0 (WorkDog)
  • Emacspeak 20.0 (LeapDog)
  • Emacspeak 21.0 (PlayDog)
  • Emacspeak 22.0 (GuideDog)
  • Emacspeak 23.0 (Retriever)
  • Emacspeak 24.0 (LiveDog)
  • Emacspseak 25.0 (ActiveDog)
  • Emacspseak 26.0 (LeadDog; released 2 May 2007)

[edit] References

  1. ^ Source code for handling DAISY books. Retrieved 2007-02-18.

[edit] External links