Elysian Space Navy

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Echoes of Honor
Author David Weber
Cover artist David Mattingly
Country United States of America
Language english
Series Honor Harrington
Genre(s) military science fiction
Publisher Baen Publishing Enterprises
Publication date 1998
Media type e-Book
ISBN ISBN 0-671-57833-2
Preceded by In Enemy Hands
Followed by Ashes of Victory

This article describes the setting of a military science fiction series of stories by David Weber featuring Honor Harrington, the Nelsonesque heroine in a series reminiscent of C. S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower book series. The Elysian Space Navy (abbreviated ESN) is a doubly fictional space navy that exists momentarily in the events described in the eighth and ninth books of David Weber's Honor Harrington series, Echoes of Honor and Ashes of Victory.


[edit] Background

See also: Hades (Honorverse)

Elysian Space Navy was voluntairy fleet created by Allied POW's and other StateSec prisoners, after gaining control of Hades, People's Republic of Haven Office of State Security planetary prison (in fact - located on Styx island Camp Charon with its planetary defence control and StateSec garrizon). Elysian Space Navy main aim was rescuing of all prisoners, who would like to escape from planetary prison.

Seizing of Camp Charon was organized by Honor Harrington and her squadron personnel after escape from prison at State Security vessel PNS Tepes. Significant help was given by Camp Inferno inmates led by Commodore Jesus Ramirez, senior officer there.

[edit] Name for the Navy

The author of name for the Navy was Commodore Jesus Ramirez, San Martin citizen. Because StateSec planet was named Hades it was an ironic suggestion to name the fleet after the Elysian Fields of Greek mythology. Idea of new common navy helped to integrate and subordinate its non-Allied multinational volontaire members.

[edit] Navy development

[edit] Human resources

[edit] PNS Tepes escape

Captured CruRon 18 senior personnel and Warner Caslet:

  1. Commodore/Admiral Honor Harrington, RMN/GSN, CO, CruRon 18 (and her treecat companion Nimitz),
  2. Captain of the List (Commodore in spe) Alistair McKeon, RMN, CO, HMS Prince Adrian,
  3. Major/Colonel Andrew LaFollet, Harrington Guard/Grayson Army - Grayson Marine Corps,
  4. Commander Solomon Marchant, GSN, XO, GNS Jason Alvarez,
  5. Citizen Commander Warner Caslet, PN, former operation officer at station Barnett staff (Admiral Theisman's staff), liaison oficer to captured CruRon 18 personnel on PNS Tepes
  6. Surgeon Commander Fritz Montoya, RMN, detached to GNS Jason Alvarez,
  7. Lieutenant Commander Prescot Tremaine, RMN, EW officer, CruRon 18 staff
  8. Lieutenant Commander Anson Lethridge, Erewhon Navy, astronavigation officer, CruRon 18 staff
  9. Lieutenant Commander Geraldine Metcalf, RMN, tactical officer, HMS Prince Adrian,
  10. Lieutenant Commander Sarah DuChene, RMN, astronavigation officer, HMS Prince Adrian,
  11. Lieutenant (Senior Grade) Russell Sanko, RMN, communications officer, HMS Prince Adrian,
  12. Lieutenant (Senior Grade) Jasper Mayhew, GSN, intelligence officer, CruRon 18 staff,
  13. Ensign Carson Clinkscales, GSN, flag lieutenant, CruRon 18 staff,
  14. Master Chief Petty Officer Gianna Ascher, RMN, HMS Prince Adrian,
  15. Senior Chief Gunner's Mate Horatio Harkness, RMN, GNS Jason Alvarez,
  16. Senior Chief Petty Officer Barstow, RMN, HMS Prince Adrian,
  17. Senior Chief Petty Officer Tamara O’Jorgenson, RMN, HMS Prince Adrian,

Senior Chief Petty Officers Harris and Halburton, both RMN, HMS Prince Adrian, killed in action during assault on Camp Charon.

[edit] Other allied personnel

  • rescued from PNS Krashnark, unknown number, probably no more then 3 shuttles load (8 of them killed when Krashnark was captured):
    • Commander Victor Ainspan, former CO of CL HMS Adonai (senior Alliance officer on PNS Krashnark),
    • other Alliance crew from RMN, Zanzibaran Navy (15), Alizon Navy, GSN (20-30) and Erewhon Navy (a handful).
  • rescued from Hades:
    • 4 or 5 thousands of POW's incarcerated no longer, then 5 T-years - eg. Lieutenant Commander Rebeca Ellis, former CO of DD HMS Plam Song or Commander Alyson Inch, later chief machinist on ENS Farnese,
    • 1,8 thousant of trained POW's incarcerated longer then 5 T-years - eg. Liuetenant Amanda Thurman, later ENS Farnese crew; the longest incarceration could last 8 T-years since war had begonen (notice: Rear Admiral Harold Styles, RMN, senior Manticorian officer in Hades, was arrested because of insubordination when first enemy warship was captured).

Including marines, some of them chosen by Maj. LaFollet to assist him with Steadholder Harrington personal protection.

[edit] Non-allied personnel

  • Camp Inferno inmates (612 people before assault on Camp Charon, including one Havenite agent):
    • Jesus Ramirez, former Commodore at San Martin Navy,
    • Harriet Benson, former Captain at Pegasus System Navy,
    • Albert Hurst, former Commander at Helmsport Navy,
    • Stephenson, former Lieutenant at Lowell Space Navy,
    • Henri Dessouix, former Lieutenant at Gaston Marines, Gaston navy warship Dague marine compartment,
    • three hundred people assault force against Camp Charon (50 of them K.I.A.).
  • other known inmates:
    • Gaston Simmons, former Commodore at Jameston System Navy,
    • Cynthia Gonsalves, former Captain at Alto Verde Navy,
    • Susan Phillips, former Commander at Sarawak System Navy, IT specialist,
    • Ushakovna, former Commander, unknown nationality,
    • Dumfris, former Commander-lieutenant, unknown nationality.

C.a. 5 thousands people on Styx island when PNS Krashnark arrived. Generally long-time imprisoned navy officers were suitable just for XO positions or to keep watch only.

[edit] Crew requirements

  • Warlord-class battlecruiser minimal compartment: 1325 (4 undamaged vessels),
  • ENS Farnese minimal compartment: 700 (Warlord-class battlecruiser with damaged side),
  • Mars-class heavy cruiser minimal compartment: 600 (4 vessels),
  • Frigate-class light cruiser 70% compartment: 210 (1 vessel fully operable, 1 vessel heavily damagad with no weapons),
  • unknown minimal compartments for seven transports, less experienced crew planned.

Total compartments demand: no less then 8600 people.

[edit] Ship acquisition

Captured Havenite ships only (11 warships and 7 transports):

  • single StatSec warships:
    • Mars C-class CA Krashnark - CO Citizen Captain of StateSec Pangborn,
    • Frigate-class CL Bacchante - CO Citizen Commander of StateSec Vestichov,
  • StateSec Seabring expedition:
    • Warlord-class BC: Wallenstein, Farnese, Kutuzov, MacArthur, Barbarosa,
    • Mars B-class CA: Ares, Huan-Ti, Ishtar,
    • Frigate-class CL Sabine,
    • five Longstop-class transports (Mardi Gras - CO Citizen Commander Talbot, Voyager),
  • two Roughneck-class Fast Attack Transports survived from Citizen General Chernock joint task force.

[edit] Capturing of StateSec Seabring expedition

StatSec was going to fortificate with minefields reconquered Seabring system and repacify its inhabitants with the equivalent of two divisions worth of intervention battalions supported by full combat equipment (including battle armor, assault boats and heavy tanks). StatSec convoy from Shilo entered the parking orbit of Hades due to load 70 thousands of forced workers. Convoy was ordered by Charon Control to dropp wedges and shields. When demand for surrender was transmitted CO of BC Attila attempted defiance and ship was blown away by the orbital defenses. The explosion resulted in the near total destruction of two other warships (CA Hachiman and CL Seahorse). The rest of the convoy remained spaceworthy (5 BC, 3 CA, 1 CL, 5 military transports).

  • CO of expedition - Citizen General Major of StateSec Prestwick Thornegrave, former Shilo sector State Security CO,
  • fleet component CO - Citizen Commodore Rachel Yang (together with her PN's staff).

[edit] Battle of Cerberus

A joint State Security-People's Navy task force was sent to Cerberus system from Danak sector due to suspicion, that Hades was seized by prisoners. Joint task force used standard approach vector to the star system. Elysian Space Navy maneuvered its ships on an intercept course using thrusters only, which allowed to stealthy catch the enemy and destroy all Havenite warships.

[edit] Elysian Space Navy order to battle

  • CO - Admiral Honor Harrington (ENS Farnese),
  • Navy second-in-command - Commodore Jesus Ramirez (ENS Wallenstein),
    • 5 battlecruisers (one significantly damaged):
    • 4 heavy cruisers:
      • ENS Krashnark - CO Lieutenant Commander Scotty Tremaine,
      • ENS Ares - CO Commander Victor Ainspan,
      • ENS Huan-Ti - CO Lieutenant Commander Anson Lethridge,
      • ENS Ishtar - CO Lieutenant Commander Sarah DuChene,
    • light cruiser ENS Bacchante - CO Lieutenant Commander Roberta Ellis,
    • Charon Control - CO Commander Susan Phillips,
  • overall command of Hades - Commodore Gaston Simmons (heavy equipment for equivalent of two ground divisions available).

[edit] Havenite task force order to battle

  • CO - Citizen General Major of StateSec Seth Chernock, Danak sector State Security CO,
  • chief of staff - Citizen Colonel of StateSec Bringham Therret,
  • task force fleet component CO - Citizen Rear Admiral Yearman (PNS Tammerlane),
  • task force fleet component second-in-command - Citizen Captain of StateSec Isler (PNS Modred),
  • task force fleet component third-in-command - Citizen Captain Rutgers (PNS Pappenheim)
  • task force ground component - Citizen General Major of StateSec Claude Gisborne (27 thousands of marines and StateSec Ground Forces personnel).

[edit] People's Republic of Haven loses

People's Republic of Haven loses connected with Elysian Space Navy activities and Hades planetary prison escape.

[edit] Death toll

  • Camp Charon garrison - c.a. 500 killed during assault and at least 160 court martialed,
  • courier crew - 15,
  • Thornegrave's expedition - c.a. 4.250,
  • Chernock's expedition - even c.a. 30 thousands people,

Total: c.a. 35 thousands.

[edit] Taken prisoners

  • Camp Charon survived personnel (c.a. one thousand of 1,5 thousand people) - tried by common court martial under Deneb Accords and People's Republic Haven criminal law according to People's Uniform Code of Conduct procedures (c.a. 160 sentenced to capital punishment),
  • Seabring expedition and caught cruisers personnel:
    • c.a. 20 thousands people from ships compartments, including over 2,4 thousands StateSec Ground Forces "marines",
    • the equivalent of two ground divisions worth in StateSec intervention battalions - c.a. 32 thousands soldiers,
    • 41 thousand technicians and supervisory personnel,
  • joint task force personnel:
    • some survivors (5 wrecks remained) and 500 crews from two Fast Armed Transports compartments,
    • ground forces - 13,5 thousands of StateSec Ground Forces soldiers and 13,5 thousands of People's Marines.

Total: c.a. 20 thousands of ships crew, 59 thousands of ground forces soldiers and 41 thousand technicians and supervisory personnel (c.a. 140 thousands of personnel temporary eliminated).

[edit] Prisoners extracted form Hades

After PNS Krashnark arrival there were 392.651 total number of evacuees, including 175.298 collaborative.

  • first convoy of 5 transports evacuated over 286 thousands people (CO Captain Cynthia Gonsalves, ENS Sabine),
  • second convoy after battle of Cerberus evacuated over 106 thousands people rescued (Elysian Space Navy main forces).

[edit] Other military effects

  • Shilo sector probably emptied with StateSec warships, Danak sector emptied with all People Navy warships (temporary effects).
  • Capturing Seabring expedition made more difficult to fortify and pacify that system by People's Republic forces.
  • Cerberus system defence systems were destructed.

[edit] Public relations

Public relations problems appeared for Havenite Committee of Public Safety when revealed:

  • truth about Rob S. Pierre's coup against legal government of People's Republic of Haven,
  • presence of Havenite State Security secret planetary planetary prison and violations of common laws of war (Deneb Accords) committed there,
  • fact that Honor Harrington's and Amos Parnell's executions in People's Republic of Haven were fake.

[edit] Afterward

After arrival to Trevor Star the Elysian Space Navy was incorporated into Grayson Space Navy as The Protector's Own Squadron under Admiral Honor Harrington command as Protector's Champion. It was done by offering service at GNS bringing Grayson citizenship and purchasing its ships. Significant provision was, that The Protectors Own crew served as Protector's personnal vassals.

Incorporation into Grayson Space Navy solved severe legal problem connected with fact, that Honor Harrington as Grayson Steadholder was not permitted to create and directly command an armed force bigger than 50 retainers.

Such solution kept non-Allied personnel together as a single group. Establishment of The Protector's Own was a part of modernisation strategy, creating an influx of new citizens with a variety of backgrounds and social mores.

By 1919 P.D. The Protector's Own has been outfitted with two squadrons of the Harrington-class SD(P)s, squadron of CLAC's and squadron of modern battlecruisers commanded mainly by former ESN officers: 1st Battle Squadron, CO Rear Admiral Warner Caslet, 1st Carrier Squadron, CO Rear Admiral Harriet Benson-Dessouix, 1st Battlecruiser Squadron, CO Rear Admiral Cynthia Gonsalves, GNS Honor Harrington - TF flag, CO Captain Susan Phillips (according to The Protector's Own task force order of battle during second battle of Marsh).

Because of its numbers emigration form Hades planetary prison should have some impact on Star Kingdom of Manticore also (not all of former inmates wanted to serve at the Protectors Own, there were c.a. 217 thousands uncollaborative inmates on Hades).

[edit] Timeline

  • October 1911 P.D. - the Battle of Adler - Rear Admiral Lester Tourville's forces destroyed Commodore Frances Yeargin's entire system picket.
  • October 23, 1911 P.D. - Commodore Honor Harrington captured aboard HMS Prince Adrian in the Adler system after Prince Adrian had sustained critical damage while spoiling the PN ambush of the seventeen fast freighters and their escorts under her care.
  • cDecember 1911 P.D. - the surviving officers and senior enlisted from HMS Prince Adrian rescued Honor Harrington and escaped undetected to the planet Hades after destroying the State Security battlecruiser PNS Tepes.
  • cOctober 1912 P.D. - the Styx Raid on Hades in the Cerberus System, under the command of Honor Harrington, succeeded in overrunning the prison garrison of Camp Charon and seizing control of Hades from State Security forces.
  • cJuly 1913 P.D. - PNS Krashnark captured in Hades orbit by the Allied forces from Camp Charon.
  • October 9, 1913 P.D. - StateSec Seabring expedition captured in Hades orbit.
  • cOctober 12, 1913 P.D. - a single light cruiser, ENS Sabine, under the command of Captain Cynthia Gonsalves, escorted five Longstop-class troop transports out of Hades orbit with two hundred eighty thousand escaped prisoners bound for Trevor's Star.
  • October 23, 1913 P.D. - the Battle of Cerberus - the Elysian Space Navy annihilated whole a task force under the command of Citizen General Chernock arriving to relieve the Hades garrison.
  • cDecember 1913 P.D. - Admiral Honor Harrington arrived in the Trevor's Star system aboard captured State Security warships with the first wave of more than three hundred fifty thousand escaped prisoners from Camp Charon, Hades.

Time of Elysian Space Navy existence: c1912 P.D. - c1913 P.D.: since CL Bacchante had been captured as a second warship - until she arrived to Trevor's Star together with slower first rescue convoy.

[edit] Sources

David Weber's:

  • Echoes of Honor, chapters 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, Epilogue,
  • Ashes of Victory, chapters 1, 2, 5, 23, 37,
  • War of Honor (The Protector's Own task force appearance).

[edit] Real-world context for Weber's concepts concerned with novel

  • Greek, Hebrew and Norse mythology - references to Hades, Cerberus, Styx, Elysian fields, Charon, Tartarus, Sheol, Niflheim,
  • historical references:
    • famous military commanders and warlords commemorated with warships names,
    • similarity of isolation camps system on distant planetary prison and its owner (Office of State Security) to Soviet Gulag operated by NKVD (located on empty Siberia mainly),
    • similarity of State Security armed forces (Naval Forces and Ground Forces) to Third Reich's security organization (joined SS and police together with its Waffen SS),
  • novel concept - planetary prison was present also at Frank Herbert's series Dune (Salusa Secundus),
  • Krashnark (as god of war) and Danak are references to another David Weber's series The War God and Heirs of Empire.

[edit] External links