Elsa Bornemann

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Elsa Bornemann is a recognized Argentine doctor of the Arts, polyglot and composer. She is also widely known for her popular children's literature. Her books have been translated into many languages, including Braille.

[edit] Biography

Elsa Bornemann was born in the Parque Patricios neigborhood of Buenos Aires to Wilhelm Karl Henri Bornemann and Blancanieves Fernández. She a national teacher, having received her degree in the Arts from the University of Buenos Aires, obtaining diplomas in English, German, Italian, Latin, and classical Greek.

During the National Reorganization Process, her book Un elefante ocupa mucho espacio was censured and banned. The same story was featured on the Honor list of the Hans Christian Andersen Award, the first Argentine to be recognized in such a manner. Later, her books Bilembambudín o el último Mago and Disparatario were selected as part of the list The White Ravens awarded by the Internationale Jugendbibliothek.

[edit] Edited Books

  • Un elefante ocupa mucho espacio
  • La edad del pavo
  • El libro de los chicos enamorados
  • Queridos monstruos
  • Los desmaravilladores
  • Disparatario
  • Los Grendelines
  • Sol de noche
  • Corazonadas
  • No hagan olas
  • Socorro doce cuentos para caerse de miedo
  • El último mago
  • Lisa de los paraguas
  • El niño envuelto
  • Mil grullas
  • Un amor disparatado
  • Cuadernos de un delfín

[edit] Awards and Distinctions

  • Faja de Honor de la Sociedad Argentina de Escritores (1972)
  • San Francisco de Asís Award (1977)
  • "Alicia Moreau de Justo" Award (1985)
  • Special Mention in the National Award of Children's Literature (1986)
  • Honor Roll of the Hans Christian Andersen Award (1976)
  • Platinum Konex Award (1994)