Elmar Mammadyarov

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Elmar Mammadyarov(2ndL) and Condoleezza Rice sign a US-Azerbaijan Memorandum of Understanding on Energy Security Cooperation in the Caspian Region, 2007
Elmar Mammadyarov(2ndL) and Condoleezza Rice sign a US-Azerbaijan Memorandum of Understanding on Energy Security Cooperation in the Caspian Region, 2007

Elmar Maharram oglu Mammadyarov (born 2 July 1960), the Foreign Minister in the Government of Azerbaijan since 2004.

Mr. Mammadyarov studied in the School of International Relations and International Law of the Kiev State University in 1977-1982. He continued his education in the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of USSR in 1988-1991 and obtained PhD in History. In 1989-1990 Mr. Mammadyarov was an exchange scholar at the Center for Foreign Policy Development of the Brown University.

He started his diplomatic carrier in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijani SSR in 1982. Untill 1988 he served there as second and fisrt secretary. In 1991-1992 he was director of the Division of State Protocol. In 1992-1995 Mr. Mammadyarov worked in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UN in New York. Upon completion of his duties he returned to Baku and in 1995-1998 was deputy director of the Department of International Organizations in the Minsitry. In 1998-2003 he served as counselor in the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the USA. In 2003 Mr. Mammadyarov was appointed ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Italy. Since April 2, 2004 he is Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Mammadyarov speaks English, Russian, and Turkish languages.

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