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Eliza Conway Blackwell was born September 21, 1988. She was small when she came into the world as an infant, but quickly shot up to a towering hieght of 6 feet. She excells in the sport of basketball, obviously. She plays all year round in verious leagues. Her arms are a whopping 17 inchs around her bicepts. Her beastly legs are not long and thin, but on the contrary, would shake any floor with one step. She waxes her unibrow and mustache weekly and has half of one of her eyebrows tattooed on due to a freak camping accident. Eliza recently liked to jump gray messiers dick, but in the past she has had verious, also tall, "partners". She doesn't like to tower over her boy, except for the time she attended the homecoming dance with todd walton, a stubby 5'6. a little awkward to say the least. Eliza drives a coop volvo, of dark gray coloure, with the license plate eliza5, for her favorite number is 5. Eliza enjoys a nice thick pickle with chips and mustard on the side. mmmm you would love eliza's breath after she's enjoy one of her favorite meals. Interesting fact: eliza gets mad when you use her ccv account number (11729) to get ceaser salads with chicken fingers on top, trust me, she's a cheap whore.