Elio Carletti

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Elio Carletti (1925 - 1980) was an Italian impressionist artist.

He was also an inspector for the Italian police. Information and history from the book by Pino Amatiello (1975), Pino Amatiello passed away 10th Feb 2007, he was a poet, art historian and journalist.

Scenes of the Italian countryside and village life were his trademark. Elio was awarded the Italian medal of honor for artistic brilliance at the Accademia Di Romania in Roma 26th October 1975 presented by the President of the Academy Mr Lazio.The actual presentation can be seen at the bottom link, it shows Elio receiving the award from the President of the art academy in Rome.

Beauty is a summation of the parts working together in such a way that nothing is needed to be added, taken away or altered

' Elio Carletti ' This quotation was spoken by the character Cris Johnson in the Hollywood film Next which was produced by Nicholas Cage. Vincenzo Giovanni Ruello

Famous paintings of his which were exibited in Italy in the early 50s, 60s and 70's include: The Cobbler and Springtime, Roman Laneway, Fishing Boats, Beautiful Woman

Some of these paintings can be seen on youtube search Elio Carletti.

Critiques from Italian art critics of the 20th Century:

Pino Amatiello:

He specialises in painting people and nature,and his imagination has no bounds. Elio Carletti received his acreditations by studying in France, obviosly inspired by Manet,Monet,Sisley,Pissarro,Degas,Renoir,Cezanne. He spaces his colours delicately,Carletti is a naturalist.

Prof Ezio Maria Caserta:

I have seen with great pleasure the chromatic tone Carletti achieves in his paintings. I describe his works as neorealism incorporating light and transparency.

Pasquale Patriarca:

He brings nature to light with depth of imagination and spirit. The chromatic tones distinguish him from all the rest.

Felici De Fazio:

He captures dimension and form as an artist should often with surrealism and simplicity.

Published Newspaper And Magazine Articles In Italy:

  • Il Tempo - Article By A Videtta 9/11/53
  • Il Matino Di Napoli- Article By C Barbiere 10/11/53
  • Paese Sera- Article By C Zambonini 10/11/53
  • Corriere Di Napoli - Article By A Schettini 10/11/53
  • Corriere Di Napoli - Article By A Schettini 2/10/54
  • Roma - Article By P Girace 28/8/54
  • Il Popolo - Article By C Siviero 15/12/55
  • Corriere Di Napoli - Article By C Barbiere 15/12/55
  • La Voce Di Napoli - Article By E Serao December 1956
  • Gazzette Veneta Di Padova- Article By Ezio M Caserta December 1965
  • Revista Delle Arti - Article By A De Simini December 1965
  • Cimento - Article By P Diffidenti 15/2/72
  • Il Temp Campania - Article By Unknown 14/11/72
  • Il Mattino - Article By Vita Del Sanio 17/11/72
  • Roma - 24/11/72
  • Documente Dell Arte Italian D'Oggi- Editor L'Arco , A Jannace 1973
  • Il Mezzogiorno - Article By P De Fazio 2/6/74
  • Il Secolo Di Italia - Article By P Partriarca 19/7/74
  • Il Piccolo Di Trieste - 7/8/74
  • Primorski Dnevnik - Article By Milko Bambič 17/8/74