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[edit] 100 Things about ElfWord

This list was produced on March 24th, 2004. Some information may no longer be accurate.

I. My full name is Jonathan Hunter Neely, son of Edward Hefner Neely and Kathleen Annette Neely.
II. Online I'm known as ElfWord at more than 57 websites.
III. I keep three blogs regularly.
IV. I write in cursive most of the time.
V. I attend a private college preparatory school in Chattanooga, TN. The McCallie School.
VI. I'll be graduating this year, to attend either the University of Georgia at Athens or Florida State University.
VII. I plan on majoring in communications, and possibly double majoring in theatre performance.
VIII. I have a step-brother.
IX. I have over 30 screen names registered on AOL Instant Messenger.
X. I've been in love twice.
XI. My eyes switch between being blue and green.
XII. My favorite movies are Wonder Boys, Cruel Intentions, and Broken Hearts Club.
XIII. I'm a thespian.
XIV. My favorite color is a very specific shade of royal blue.
XV. I'm descended from the King of Mercia.
XVI. I can cook, and they tell me I do a good job of it.
XVII. I can write in the Theban alphabet.
XIX. I've been a blogger since July 8th, 2003.
XX. This will be my 209th post on MindSay, 52nd on LiveJournal, 7th on Blogger.
XXI. I debate about whether to grow old alone or get married and have kids.
XXII. Because I am the last Neely, if I decide to grow old alone I will donate sperm to a fertilization clinic at least once.
XXIII. I want to be 23.
XXIV. My favorite webcomic is Men in Hats.
XXV. My favorite Flash film series is Foamy the Squirrel.
XXVI. I'm an internet geek.
XXVII. My favorite newspaper comic is Dilbert.
XXVIII. I'm an egoist.
XXIX. If I could be any animal I'd be an elephant.
XXX. I've written erotic stories before.
XXXI. My wine of choice is White Zinfandel. (Which is actually colored a pale red.)
XXXII. I don't like most abstract art.
XXXIII. I don't like sleep and I resent the neccessity of rapid eye movement.
XXXIV. I wasn't worried about Y2K.
XXXV. I won't date a girl that doesn't like to read or write.
XXXVI. If I had the opportunity to go back and change whatever I wanted to about my life, there are changes I would make.
XXXVII. I'm listening to Rufus Wainwright as I type this. XXXVIII. I'm not a fan of football, baseball, golf, basketball, rugby, or lacrosse.
XXXIX. If I had a million dollars, I can honestly say I would invest $500,000 in MindSay with no hesitation whatsoever.
XXXX. I'm an Eagle Scout.
XXXXI. If I could do anything I wanted to in my life without having to worry about the money, I'd act, write, photograph, and blog.
XXXXII. I've written four songs in my life, and only one other person has heard one of them.
XXXXIII. I know how to braid hair.
XXXXIV. I give great massages.
XXXXV. I'd love to be a masseur later in life.
XXXXVI. I'm working on learning to french braid.
XXXXVII. I'm working on learning Esperanto.
XXXXVIII. There have been three times in my four years of high school that I haven't had a roommate for the entire year.
IL. I'm a meat and potatoes man. And bread.
L. I still own my teddy bear, Boo-Boo, although I don't keep him with me and hardly ever come across him.
LI. My favorite kind of bagel is Asiago Cheese.
LII. I don't like flavored coffee.
LIII. I don't watch much TV.
LIV. I'm heterosexual.
LV. I'm metrosexual.
LVI. I'm pro-choice.
LVII. I want to join Mensa.
LVIII. I like dry humor.
LIX. I want to take a road trip to New York.
LX. I want to go to Ireland, Scotland, England, Sweden, New Zealand, and Russia.
LXI. I've decided to not date for the rest of high school.
LXII. I wish I had friends I was closer with in Chattanooga.
LXIII. I'm not very good with fashion.
LXIV. I'm not a conversationalist.
LXV. I could define a "type" of girl I like, but there are plenty of girls I like that don't fit that type.
LXVI. I would love to be on Real World.
LXVII. I once wanted to be a gymnast.
LXVIII. I don't like that society defines that a guy must have a "thing" for a girl if he compliments her.
LXIX. I talk to myself occasionally, just voicing my thoughts out loud when I'm stressed.
LXX. Jay sometimes refers to himself in the third person, for kicks and giggles.
LXXI. I fidget when I'm at a loss for words momentarily, normally by putting my arm behind my back and scratching my back.
LXXII. I hate haircuts.
LXXIII. I've written and directed my own play.
LXXIV. I like to cuddle more than just about anything else.
LXXV. I am a virgin, by choice.
LXXVI. I was in my high school's drumline for 3 years, playing cymbals and bass drum.
LXXVII. I like to sing songs from Moulin Rouge.
LXXVIII. I eat raw coffee beans when I need a caffeine boost and don't have time to make coffee.
LXXIX. I do like energy drinks.
LXXX. I type correctly, with fun things like punctuation and spelling.
LXXXI. I wish I were better at giving advice.
LXXXII. I love 'girl talk' and wish I could be included more often.
LXXXIII. I like to shop except for clothes shopping.
LXXXIV. I have a PayPal account.
LXXXV. I've never sold anything on Ebay.
LXXXVI. I'd like to be taller.
LXXXVII. I used to be a mooney-eyed romantic, and I'm starting to become one again.
LXXXVIII. I'm a published poet.
LXXXIX. I've given a speech in front of the entire student body.
LXXXX. I've kissed only 3 girls.
LXXXXI. I have a theory that if someone's mother is involved in real estate, she's automatically a bitch.
LXXXXII. I'm going to be a millionaire.
LXXXXIII. I have a cat that I named Kitty.
LXXXXIV. I live with a lake in my backyard.
LXXXXV. I've lived 6 places in Georgia.
LXXXXVI. I keep key cards I get from hotels.
LXXXXVII. I keep my wallet filled with random stuff to amuse me when I get bored.
LXXXXVIII. I know more about sex and how to please a girl than a virgin probably should.
IC. I scored a 1440 on the SAT.
C. I no longer have a best friend.