User:El baile rojo/Sandbox

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Spanish El baile rojo: The Red Dance (of annihilation).

-Film: Documentary
-Period: March 1984 - 200X? 
   -(???: Whats documented continues to date. Will it ever end? When? Sometime 20XX?)

A quick look at Colombian history shows that human rights does not flow naturally from democracy.

A quick look at Colombian history gives an example [of the proposition] that democracy is not the birth-mother of human-rights.

link reference:

'El baile rojo', the Red Dance:

Still we have to fight,

to keep our freedom from those who would take it,

given one half, one tenth, one hundredth, one thousandth or one millionth a chance.

When the twin towers fell in the United States and everyone began talking about terrorism, the Colombian government started calling the FARC and all the revolutionary organizations in Colombia and the world “terrorists.” Then they could liquidate them, intimidate them and force them to renounce the revolutionary struggle. FARC Commander Raul Reyes

I believe that the massacre that the Colombian State perpetrated against the Patriotic Union, the communists, and important revolutionary and union leaders has been costly for Colombia. Above all, I point to the slaughter of the leadership of the Communist Party. At that time there was a large Communist Party with very well developed, very well formed cadres. It would suffice to recall, among others, presidential candidate Jaime Pardo Leal and Manuel Cepeda Vargas, director of the newspaper VOZ and a senator of the republic. They murdered them all. None of them had ever been involved in guerrilla warfare, never. The ones that were guerrillas, the ones the FARC sent to help with the work of the Patriotic Union, I ordered them to come back once the murders became evident. FARC Commander Raul Reyes El baile rojo (talk) 10:20, 15 February 2008 (UTC)