El Quisco

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Wharf of quisco
Wharf of quisco
Great beach of El Quisco
Great beach of El Quisco
Great beach
Great beach
Playa  the Conchitas .
Playa the Conchitas .
Vista beach of the North Quisco and the Rock of the Cinnamon-coloured one from the Peninsula of the South Quisco.
Vista beach of the North Quisco and the Rock of the Cinnamon-coloured one from the Peninsula of the South Quisco.

El Quisco is a Chilean city and commune in San Antonio Province, Valparaíso Region. Located in the country's central coast, it serves as a popular summer resort for the population of Santiago.

A place of interest is La Casa de Isla Negra, the former house of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, now his burial place and a museum.

Coordinates: 33°24′S 71°42′W / -33.4, -71.7