Ek$i Sözlük

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Ek$i Sözlük

Screenshot of the main page
URL http://sozluk.sourtimes.org
Commercial? Yes
Type of site Internet encyclopedia project
Registration Required
Available language(s) Turkish
Owner Sedat Kapanoğlu (a.k.a. SSG)
Created by Sedat Kapanoğlu (a.k.a. SSG), Murat Arslan (a.k.a. Teo)
Launched February 1999
Current status active

Ek$i Sözlük (pronounced [ekʃi sœzlyk]), also referred as Ekşi Sözlük (Turkish: Sour Dictionary) or Sourtimes, is a collaborative hypertext dictionary based on the concept of Web sites built up on user contribution. [1] Currently it's one of the biggest internet communities in Turkey with over 150,000 users. [2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Ekşi Sözlük: a Turkish Internet phenomenon (English). Turkish Daily News. Retrieved on 2007-06-27.
  2. ^ Stats (Turkish). Ek$i Sözlük. Retrieved on 2008-06-04.

[edit] External links
