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[edit] Elliott Saunders

A fairly well known contributor to a variety of websites, BBS and forums in the world of miniature painting, including CoolMiniOrNot, the Hirst Arts Ezboard, and several others and the editor for the Open Directory Project for the Games/Miniatures category. Runs a website devoted to miniature gaming, in particular painting and modelling of terrain Ellsweb, which is currently being produced as an Ebook version with a considerable update in content.

Respected as an authority on the subjects of miniatures, gaming and model terrain production, particularly painting and detailing, and certainly removing paint (stripping) from a variety of media. Has been known to go out of his way to discover means of removing paint from anything including lead or lead-free, resin, vinyl and was one of the first people to discover a means of stripping the entire paint (thereby leaving no residue to reduce the quality of subsequent painting) frm Heroclix-type figures.

Was a major contributor, particularly of 'beginners information' to the Hirst Arts website's forums, but due to ill health has reduced the time spent on the boards of late but can be contacted via email or through his website and will certainly help beginners to the hobby in any way he can. He also is known to his friends as somewhat of a plaster of paris (or derivatives, such as USG's Hydrocal or other adulterated or reinforced plasters) guru; and has formulated many means and recipes for increasing the strength and durability, as well as decreasing the drying time of plasters used by modellers with the Hirst Arts molding system.

Also has a knack for finding out of the way information on the Internet, and will often go out of his way to help anyone find or do something they are unsure of; usually in terms of testing methods of doing whatever it is, or finding information for that purpose. This had lead in some cases to people thinking he is being false, but as friends will contest, he is naturally like that and once a person knows the lengths to which he will go, often comes to consider him a friend and disregard what some term an overly-friendly nature.

Interests include figure modelling and detailing, producing model terrain from gaming to collectors standard (often termed 'museum quality'), computing and business. Also produces canvas and paper art for recreation.

Has a background education in computing and business related subjects, and a keen interest in art in general, particularly paints (and related products) and their formulation.