Einar Már Guðmundsson

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Einar Már Guðmundsson (born September 18, 1954 in Reykjavík) is an Icelandic author of novels, short stories, and poetry. His books have been translated into several languages.

[edit] Background

Einar Már Guðmundsson grew up in Reykjavík. In 1979 he received his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Iceland in comparative literature and history. He subsequently worked in the comparative literature department of the University of Copenhagen. His first book was poetry and his novel Englar alheimsins (Angels of the Universe) won The Nordic Council's Literature Prize. Today, the author lives in Reykjavík, is married, and has five children.

[edit] German language editions

  • Die Ritter der runden Treppe (Riddara hringstigans, 1982), Munich, Goldmann btb, 1999, ISBN 3442724953
  • Engel des Universums (Englar alheimsins, 1993), Munich, Goldmann, Bd. 72514 btb, 2000, ISBN 3442725143
  • Fußspuren am Himmel (Fótspor á himnum, 1997), Munich, Wien, Carl Hanser, 2001, ISBN 3446200517

[edit] External links