
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, my name is Drake Ruedi Woosley. Ruedi is a Swiss nickname for Rudolf, which is, according to some accounts, the name of William Tell's son. My mom's parents were born and raised in Switzerland, so I consider myself half Swiss. I am a 17 year old atheist from California. I love movies. I love all genres except for CGI animal adventures and romantic comedies (save for As Good as It Gets). My email is and I have a MySpace. I got my email address from the N64 game Diddy Kong Racing, in which there's a level called "Hot Top Volcano" where a group of people chant something that sounds like Hula Pata. In case you haven't noticed, "efyoo" is "f-u" spelled out. I fix up a lot of Wikipedia articles, mainly by fixing incorrect or dead links.