First-time talker on Wiki here. Chadwick was a revolutionary guy. He single-handedly took on the system in the fervor of Progressive "greatness" in England that actually helped the common man/woman. Ahhhh, the Boolean system....even women don't like it. As a rule, from now on I'll use "she" just to clarify I'm not a sexist.
Anyways, a little about me. Go to college at Occidental, a liberal arts college in Los Angeles (that's California for all you cave dwellers). Born and raised in Cali (and yes, no one likes it when you call it Cali). Overall, a good college but it has its flaws. If anyone's interested in talking to someone they've never even met about the place, tell me. The school suffers somewhat from an apathetic student body in my opinion (to those who go to Oxy and's just my experience...again for the thousandth time I'm not God, I'm not racist, sexist, homophobic, a society lover, image-obsessed, a Democrat, Republican, tax dodger, liberal, conservative, war lover, warmonger, hater, lover, pot smoker, jock and I try as best as I can NOT to be a fucking label...sigh...that's the flaw with college in that it is woefully PC...computers included...I have to recommend the movie "PCU" for the prospies out there). But, in any case, yeah I made all of college look bad but there are a lot of great things about Occidental in general and if I had money, I would give to it. But I won't harp on this.
Oh, and a history major by the way. Great, fabulous History department.
Yeah, to reemphasize Edwin Chadwick is awesome. He definitely deserves a longer listing. I might write it but I have other things to do, like ummmm preparing for that big test that's always coming up. All right.
Peace, David from Oxy (no's actually happened to me once before)
PS: I'm no religion professor. I heard about that controversy with the 24-year-old college drop out in the Wiki thing. Personally it seems to me that anyone who's smart should do this so I disagree with profs who don't like's similar to the Encylopedia that Denis Diderot and other fact I know a lot of profs at Oxy who embrace Wiki wholeheartedly despite flaws here and there. But, for all you prospies, if I were to sum up college in a phrase: think of high school as a dysfunctional family, and college as a drunken dysfunctional family (or at least Oxy...or in any other liberal arts college for that matter...and believe me I already transferred once from Grinhell offense to the actual nice Iowans). For all you who engage in abstinence on drinking, sex etc. (although I personally do not drink or do drugs...I display MY diploma from DARE proudly...who doesn't? That's sarcasm for those who don't know me or don't know what sarcasm is. Sigh.) college is not the place for you. I won't say "sucks to be you" but....all I'll say is if you wanna go to BYU or some other crazy prohibitionist college, that's your choice. Princeton Review doesn't accurately describe shit (lot of swearing in college people). Let the debate rage.
PPS: Is there a profile thing? I guess I'm not the only college kid who's not the wizziest of wizzes on the computer.