Edwards Run Wildlife Management Area

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Edwards Pond at Edwards Run Wildlife Management Area.
Edwards Pond at Edwards Run Wildlife Management Area.

Edwards Run Wildlife Management Area is located on 397 acres two miles north of Capon Bridge on Cold Stream Road (West Virginia Secondary Route 15) near Cold Stream in Hampshire County, West Virginia. Edwards Run WMA is owned by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.

Edwards Run WMA primarily consists of low hills with steep slopes covered in forests of various species of oaks and hickories plus approximately 17 acres of scattered clearings and brushy areas. White-tailed deer, turkey, quail, squirrel, rabbit, and grouse hunting opportunities are available in the wildlife management area. A section of Edwards Run and a two acre lake, Edwards Pond, provide fishing for shortmouth and longmouth bass, sunfish, bluegill, and channel catfish. Edwards Run and Pond are also stocked with trout February through March and in October. A primitive camping area is in proximity to Edwards Pond and pit toilets and trash receptacles are provided. A nominal camping fee is charged by the WVDNR.

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