Edward Vrdolyak

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Edward Robert Vrdolyak (pronounced /ˈɛdwɚd vɚˈdoʊliæk/, born 1937) is a noted Chicago lawyer and politician. He was a powerful longtime Chicago Alderman and also head of the Cook County Democratic Party before running unsuccessfully for Mayor of Chicago as a Republican. He is currently under federal indictment, awaiting trial on charges of bribery, wire fraud and mail fraud. Vrdolyak is of Croatian descent.


[edit] Legal Career and Politics

Vrdolyak entered a Catholic seminary at age 13, but decided against joining the priesthood. He graduated from Mount Carmel High School in Chicago, then from St. Joseph's College in Rensselaer, Indiana. He received his law degree from the University of Chicago law school in 1963 and began a legal career in private practice, specializing in personal injury cases. Today the Vrdolyak Law Group consists of 16 attorneys. Vrdolyak and his three sons are partners in the firm.

He also became actively involved in Chicago politics, and in 1968 he was elected as Democratic Committeeman from Chicago's 10th Ward in the South Deering area, a position he held until 1988. In 1971 he was elected Alderman, and he served as President of the City Council from 1977 to 1983.

Vrdolyak earned the nickname "Fast Eddie" because of his ability to get his programs pushed through the city council. He is noted for leading the Chicago city council in opposing Mayor Harold Washington from 1983 to 1987. Some 29 aldermen were generally aligned with Vrdolyak, while 21 were aligned with Washington. This gave Vrdolyak's faction, the "Eddies", a majority sufficient to pass measures but not to override a mayoral veto. This deadlock was characterised as the "Council Wars". Vrdolyak challenged Washington in the 1987 mayoral election, but Washington was re-elected with 53% of the vote to Vrdolyak's 42%.[1]

Washington's second term went more smoothly, and Vrdolyak's political clout waned. The mayor went to court and successfully fought to have the city's ward map changed, allowing for more minority representation on the city council. Vrdolyak's 1987 vote totals were very low among black voters, a constituency necessary for success as a Democrat. In light of these factors, as well as his growing unpopularity among Democrats, Vrdolyak joined the Republican Party in September 1987.[2] In 1988, Vrdolyak was the Republican candidate for Circuit Court Clerk of Cook County. The Democratic choice was by Aurelia Pucinski, the daughter of former congressman and Chicago alderman Roman Pucinski. Vrdolyak was soundly defeated, with Pucinski garnering 59% of the total vote. In 1989, Vrdolyak again ran for mayor of Chicago and won the Republican primary as a write-in candidate. The general election was won by Democrat Richard M. Daley. Vrdolyak managed less than 4% of the vote, effectively ending his career in elected office.

In the years since his election defeat, Vrdolyak has returned to his law practice. He hosted a popular talk radio show from 1993 to 1996 – first on WLS Radio (890 AM) and then on WJJD Radio (1160 AM). He has also maintained a strong behind-the-scenes presence in Chicago area politics. He is perhaps most well-known for using his clout to aid in the appointments and elections of Cook County Circuit Court judges. Illinois Supreme Court Justice Charles Freeman has confirmed that at least two judges he appointed to the bench were recommended by Vrdolyak.[3] Vrdolyak was also a key adviser to former Cicero Town President Betty Loren-Maltese. The Vrdolyak Law Group received millions of dollars in legal work from the town of Cicero during the administrations of Loren-Maltese and her successor, Ramiro Gonzalez. Maltese was convicted in 2002 on federal corruption charges, and Gonzalez was narrowly defeated in the 2005 election by former Deputy Police Superintendent Larry Dominick.

[edit] Controversies

Vrdolyak has long been the source of controversy, beginning with an attempted murder charge in 1960. The charges were dropped, but helped establish the reputation for toughness that would help him succeed in Chicago's rough political climate. That same reputation would also make him a target for enemies and, eventually, for federal investigators. He was censured by the Illinois State Bar Association in 1990 for a conflict of interest, and again in 2000 for improperly advancing money to personal injury clients. In 2005, Vrdolyak agreed to a 30-day suspension of his law license for allegedly double-billing clients he represented in sexual harassment cases. [4]

Vrdolyak was also implicated in the case of former Cook County Circuit Court judge George J.W. Smith. Smith pleaded guilty to federal charges of illegally structuring cash withdrawals to avoid tax penalties. Prosecutors claimed the transactions were in furtherance of an alleged bribe paid to a "go-between" in order to secure Smith's appointment. Smith was reportedly appointed by Freeman based on Vrdolyak's recommendation, leading to speculation that Vrdolyak was the alleged "go-between". The investigation did not result in charges of wrongdoing against Vrdolyak, nor in bribery charges against Smith or any other party. [5]

Vrdolyak's role in Cicero politics also drew criticism, and while he was not charged in the Loren-Maltese investigation, his close alliance with the now-imprisoned former Town President was a major issue in the 2005 election. During the campaign, Dominick criticized what he called Vrdolyak's excessive legal bills, and removed Vrdolyak's firm as the town's legal counsel after taking office. However, NBC Chicago reported that the new town attorney, Michael Del Galdo, billed the town over $2 million in 2006 -- more than twice the average billings when Vrdolyak's firm held the contract.[6]

[edit] Federal Indictment

On May 10, 2007, Vrdolyak was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of bribery, mail fraud and wire fraud.[7] Prosecutors later added additional wire fraud charges, and Vrdolyak now faces a total of eight counts. The case centers around property that was sold by the Chicago Medical School. The key witness against Vrdolyak is Stuart Levine, a partner in the alleged scheme. Prosecutors charge that Vrdolyak and Levine devised a scheme to use Levine's position on the school's board to steer the $15 million sale of a school building to Smithfield Properties - a developer with ties to Vrdolyak. It is alleged that the two arranged a $1.5 million kickback from Smithfield to Vrdolyak in return for Levine's support.

Levine, a close friend and political ally of Vrdolyak's, was indicted in 2005 for using his positions on the Illinois Teachers Retirement System board and the Illinois Health Facilities board to obtain kickbacks. Levine pleaded guilty in late 2006 and agreed to testify in several corruption cases as a condition of his plea agreement. Prosecutors dropped 22 felony charges in return for his cooperation. Prosecutors have indicated that Levine wore a recording device while discussing some of the alleged schemes, and tapes may be presented at trial. Political insiders expressed surprise at the idea that Vrdolyak would be caught on tape. A longtime powerbroker and target of investigations, the notoriously careful Vrdolyak has been quoted as saying that he "talk[s] to everyone like they're wearing a wire, even my wife". Chicago alderman Bernard Stone noted that Vrdolyak was always careful about talking on the phone, once telling Stone to "always talk like the government was on the phone with you".[8]

Vrdolyak has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and the case is set to go to trial in September 2008.[9] Vrdolyak's attorney, Michael Monico, questioned Levine's "credibility, reliability and truthfulness", noting that he agreed to testify under "immense pressure" from prosecutors.[10] Levine also testified at the 2008 trial of Tony Rezko, another powerbroker in Illinois politics. He told the jury that he funneled payoffs for clients who wanted Chicago city contracts through Vrdolyak, including some alleged schemes for which Vrdolyak has not been charged. Monico called Levine's statements in regards to Vrdolyak "absolutely false" and said that he had never heard them before.[11][9]

[edit] References

[edit] External links