Edvard Westermarck

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Edvard Alexander Westermarck (November 20, 1862September 3, 1939) was a Swedish speaking Finnish philosopher and sociologist. Among other subjects, he studied exogamy and the incest taboo.

He is known for first noting the Westermarck effect in which infants raised together are unable to form sexual feelings for one another as adults, regardless of their genetic relationship.

Whilst professoring at the London School of Economics he helped found academic sociology in the United Kingdom.

[edit] Books

  • 1907: Siveys ja kristinusko: Esitelmä. Ylioppilasyhdistys Prometheus, Helsinki.
  • 1925: The History of Human Marriage. Macmillan, London. [1891.]
  • 1930: Wit and Wisdom in Morocco. Routledge, London.
  • 1932: Avioliiton historia. WSOY, Helsinki.
  • 1933: Moraalin synty ja kehitys. WSOY, Helsinki.
  • 1934: Three Essays on Sex and Marriage. Macmillan, London.
  • 1934: Freuds teori on Oedipuskomplexen i sociologisk belysning. Vetenskap och bildning, 45. Bonnier, Stockholm.
  • 1984: Kristinusko ja moraali. Otava, Helsinki.
  • 1991: Tapojen historiaa: Kuusi akadeemista esitelmää: Pitänyt Turussa syksyllä 1911 Edward Westermarck. 2nd edition. Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, Helsinki.

[edit] External links