Eduard Honrath

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Eduard Honrath (1837 , Coblenz - 1893 ,Berlin) was a German entomologist who specialised in Lepidoptera , particularly Parnassius.

Honrath was an art dealer in Berlin. He described Parnassius graeseri (1885) , Parnassius stenosemus and Papilio neumoegeni (both 1890) in Berliner Ent. Zeitschrift. He was a member of the Entomological Society of Berlin.

[edit] References

  • Benezit Dictionary of Artists (in French, Bénézit Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs) Éditions Gründ, Paris.(1911).
  • Anonym 1893 [Honrath, E. G.] Insektenbörse 10: 82.
  • Dömitz, W. 1894 [Honrath, E. G.] Berl. Ent. Ztschr. 39 319-320.
  • Elwes, H. J. 1893 [Biographien] Proc. Ent. Soc. London 1893.

[edit] External Links

  • [1] portrait, further references.