Edgardo Torres-Caballero

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[edit] == Edgardo Torres-Caballero ==

Mr. Edgardo Torres-Caballero is a former Deputy Secretary (December 2003) of the Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DEDC) of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. DEDC is the central economic development organization of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

While serving as Deputy Secretary, also served as Project Manager of the development of a transshipment, Port of the Americas.

Torres-Caballero also served in advisory role at the TRANSITION COMMITTEE, GOVERNOR-ELECT HON. Sila Calderon in December of 2000.

In 2004, Torres-Caballero joint Hewlett-Packard as Business Development Manager, for the Ink Supplies Business, Americas. Since July 2005 Torres-Caballero has been promoted to a regional corporate position managing Government Affairs for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Edgardo Torres-Caballero has a Bachelor Degree in Arts with a minor in International Relations, Economics and Latin American studies of the Elliot School of International Affairs of the George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
He took graduate courses in International Trade and Management in the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo, Brazil. Torres-Caballero is an alumni from the Aletta Jacobs SCHOLENGEMEENSCHAP, in GRONINGEN, THE NETHERLANDS

Former Memeberships in Public Sector:

Former Alternate Member, Board of Directors, Ports Authority of Puerto Rico

Former Chairman, Board of Directors, Puerto Rico Film Commission

Former Member, Board of Directors, Agricultural Investment Fund, Dept. of Agriculture, Lands Authority of Puerto Rico

Former Member, Board of Directors, Work Force Investment Act (WIA) Department of Labor

Former Private Memberships:


Former Treasurer of the Board of Directors, Industry and University Organization, INDUNIV

Former Member, Board of Directors, INTECO (Technology Cluster Non-profit Organization)

Former Member of the Acting Board of Directors, VITEC (Technology Incubator), University of PuertoRico, Mayagüez Campus


Selected among the top 40 youngest business executives most successful before the age of 40 in Puerto Rico by the business journal, Caribbean Business, 2004.

Awarded a recognition as a Successful Businessman 2007 from the El Vocero newspaper special edition November 2007

Template:Government of Puerto Rico former high level executive