Echoes From a Somber Empire

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Echoes From a Somber Empire

A smoking monkey in the final sequence
Directed by Werner Herzog
Produced by Werner Herzog
Written by Werner Herzog
Starring Michael Goldsmith
David Dacko
Jean-Bédel Bokassa (stock footage)
Cinematography Jörg Schmidt-Reitwein
Editing by Rainer Standke
Release date(s) 1990
Running time 93 minutes
Country Germany
Language French
IMDb profile

Echoes From a Somber Empire (German: Echos aus einem düsteren Reich) is a documentary film by Werner Herzog about Jean-Bédel Bokassa.

Unlike most Herzog's documentaries, the main body of the film does not provide any narration or commentary by Herzog himself. Instead, the film follows journalist Michael Goldsmith as he revisits the Central African Republic, where he was imprisoned and tortured by Bokassa's regime. Goldsmith interviews two of Bokassa's wives, several of Bokassa's children (including the "true" daughter Martine), two of Bokassa's lawyers, and Central African Republic President David Dacko. Bokassa himself appears only in stock footage.

Goldsmith was working as a French journalist when he imprisoned after reporting on Bokassa's elaborate coronation. In the film, he says that he had written his report and used a telex machine to send it to his employer. There was a power failure during the transmission, causing the text to become jumbled. The message was intercepted by the government, who decided that it was a coded message, and that Goldsmith was a French spy. Goldsmith was taken to a prison, where he says that he was beaten personally by Bokassa, almost to death.

[edit] Production

Herzog wished to interview Bokassa himself, who was in prison during the making of the film. The film crew obtained official permission from then-president André Kolingba, and Bokassa was reportedly willing to give the interview. Just before going to the prison, however, Herzog and the film crew were arrested and expelled from the country by the Minister of the Interior.[1]

The film begins with Herzog reading a statement from Goldsmith, who had disappeared in Liberia between the film's shooting and its completion. The statement describes a dream that Goldsmith has, accompanied by images of the migration of the Christmas Island red crab. Herzog again used imagery from the crab migration in his later film Invincible.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Herzog, Werner (2001). Herzog on Herzog. Faber and Faber. ISBN 0-571-20708-1. 