Ebun Willie Robert Gorham Priddy
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Ebun Willie Robert Gorham Priddy (1926-2003) was a prominent Krio doctor. Priddy was one of the most successful and notable Krio doctors and he worked at Connaught Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Priddy studied at Leeds University in 1956 after winning a prestigious scholarship.\Priddy was also elevated to the fellowship of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRCOG).
[edit] Early Life
'Bill' Priddy was born in 1926 in Victoria, Cameroon to Krio parents. Priddy went to Ebenezer Primary school in Freetown, and later attended the Prince of Wales School (Freetown, Sierra Leone), where his academic achievements were recognized and he won his scholarship.
[edit] Background
Doctor Priddy was married to Betty and later on to Sento. Doctor Priddy had five children and eleven grandchilren, and his son Alvan studied in England.
[edit] Sources
- http://books.google.com/books?id=Yr10kDUTgs4C&pg=PA92&dq=priddy+sierra+leone&sig=6GUVf-fK9oENA3n5RZyliavzLqg
- http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/327/7423/1112-d/DC1
- http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/327/7423/1112-d/DC1
- http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=261784
- http://www.bmimakeanenquiry.co.uk/gynaehealth/whp_consultants_detail.cfm?consultant_id=8588