Eastern Black Crested Gibbon

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Eastern Black Crested Gibbon
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hylobatidae
Genus: Nomascus
Species: N. nasutus
Binomial name
Nomascus nasutus
(Kunkel d'Herculais, 1884)
  • Nomascus nasutus nasutus
  • Nomascus nasutus hainanus

The Eastern Black Crested Gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) is a species of gibbon that was once widespread in China and Vietnam. There are 2 subspecies.

It became extinct on the Chinese mainland in the 1950s; and now roughly only 20 gibbons of the subspecies Nomascus nasutus hainanus (Hainan Gibbon) survive on Hainan Island and around 26 individuals of the subspecies Nomascus nasutus nasutus (Cao Vit Gibbon) were rediscovered in 2002 in the Trung Khanh district of Cao Bang Province in northeast Vietnam, after last being seen in the 1960s.[2]

The Eastern Black Crested Gibbon is the rarest and most critically endangered primate in the world. Its demise has come from deforestation of its habitat, encroachment, and poaching.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Geissmann, T. (2003). Nomascus nasutus. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on 2006-11-21.
  2. ^ Mootnick, A. R., Rylands, A. B. and Konstant, W. R. 2005. Hainan Black-crested Gibbon, Nomascus nasutus hainanus (Thomas, 1892). In: Primates in Peril: The World's 25 Most Endangered Primates 2004-2006, R. A. Mittermeier, C. Valladares-Pádua, A. B. Rylands, A. A. Eudey, T. M. Butynski, J. U. Ganzhorn, R. Kormos, J. M. Aguiar and S. Walker (eds.), pp.30-31. Report to IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS) and Conservation International (CI), Washington, DC.