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EASY is the name of a scripting language used by the tdbengine relational database management system. Its syntax is based upon a mixture of BASIC, C and Pascal.
The EASY source code is compiled to a binary code and this code then is interpreted at runtime. This ensures that all syntax errors are found already in the development process.
procedure Main var nBottles : Integer var s : String CgiCloseBuffer nBottles:=99 s:='s' while nBottles>=0 do CgiWriteLn(Str(nBottles)+' bottle'+s+' of beer on the wall,') CgiWriteLn(Str(nBottles)+' bottle'+s+' of beer,') if nBottles=0 then CgiWriteLn('Go to the store, buy some more,') CgiWriteLn('99 bottles of beer on the wall.') nBottles-- else CgiWriteLn('Take one down and pass it around,') nBottles-- if nBottles=1 then s:= else s:='s' end CgiWriteLn(Str(nBottles)+' bottle'+s+' of beer on the wall,') end end endproc