Talk:Earl Anthony

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[edit] 8 or 10 Majors?

CONCLUSION: In May 2008 the PBA Tour announced that they were going to correct their record counting and announced they would count all Masters and BPAA US Opens back to 1959 as PBA Titles and PBA Majors if the person winning the tournament was a PBA Member at that time. Earl Anthony is now acknowledged to have 43 PBA Titles of which 10 are PBA Majors. The PBA in 2003 on the Earl Anthony Memorial Open Broadcast STATED Earl Anthony had TEN MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIPS. View the show, it was on ESPN last week again! It's published on tv in GRAPHICS by the PBA (you may also view this show any time on Youtube, just search for "Earl Anthony bowling". Guess the CURRENT (which is not the same as the old PBA which was player owned) PBA counts things the way they need to to promote their current stars?