
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For anyone wondering when I'll turn this page into something deserving the title "Wikipedia User Page", the answer is when I get the time.

  My current stress level
My current stress level

<Hello. I am user E=MC^2 on Wikibooks , and E=MC^2 on meta. I have decided to quit before I get into any major conflicts and end my involvement with Wikipedia. I can't bring myself to leave forever, I'm too addicted!

[edit] Wiki-Philosophies

  • I am an inclusionist. Every book by an important author and all books considered important deserve their own Wikipedia article. Would you like it if someone grouped you up with others, not giving you individual attention or ignored you like mergists or deletionists want to do?
  • I believe that admin status is fine just the way it is. We do not need stricter or more lenient criteria at this time. (However, with more and more users becoming long term contributors, we may need more stringent rules.)

[edit] Existence is…

[edit] Things to do

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