E.ON Gaz Romania

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E-ON Gas Romania SA
Type Private
Founded 1975
Headquarters Târgu Mureş, Romania
Key people Virgil Metea, CEO
Industry Natural gas
Products Natural gas
Revenue US$ 1.1 billion (2006)
Employees 500 (2007)
Parent E.ON
Website http:///www.eon-gaz-romania.ro

E.ON Gaz Romania is a Romanian distribution company in the gas industry, specialising in natural gas supply and distribution. The base of the distribution company was laid in 1975. Based on a government decision issued in 2000, The National Gas Company (Societatea Naţională de Gaze Naturale Romgaz) was re-organised according to the services provided, thus resulting DistriGaz Nord, a company which was taken over by E.ON Group in June 2005, further to the acquisition of the majority of shares by E.ON Ruhrgas AG. Starting with April 2006, the company repositions itself on the specific market, by adopting a new trading name testifying its affiliation to E.ON Group, more exactly E.ON Gaz Romania

With a tradition traced back to over 30 years, E.ON Gaz Romania is one of the major players on this market, providing natural gas for more than 20 counties in the northern part of the country, the gas supply and distribution activity being performed in Transylvania, Moldavia and Banat. The customers of E.ON Gaz Romania, amounting to over 1.2 millions, 95% thereof being residentials and 5% industrial customers, can be found in approximately 1,007 localities both in urban and rural areas, on a surface of approx. 122,600 km².

The volume of gas delivered in 2005 through its gas pipeline network of 17,600 km was about 4 billion m³ to over 1.2 million customers.

[edit] History of natural gas exploration

On the present-day territory of Romania, the first natural gas deposit was discovered in 1908, in Sărmăşel, Mureş County (then in Austria-Hungary), further to geological researches on potassium salts. A prodigious period followed for the gas distribution business and the year 1941 marks the construction of the first natural gas pipeline from Măneşti to Bucharest, while the following year a main pipeline is built for the transportation of natural gas from Transylvania to the capital city.

[edit] See also
