E-mail append

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Email append is the process of merging a database of customer information where the email addresses are missing for the customers, with a service provider's database of email addresses in an attempt to match the email addresses with the information in the initial database.

An email appending process scenario involves a business that has name, address and telephone data on its customers to do business through mail or over the telephone. But if the company wants to expand into email communication, then they can involve a service provider that has a database of email addresses in order to merge the data together. In this way they can have an updated database with the current email address of the customers.

The match rate can be dependent on two main factors. The first factor that determines the match rate is the nature of the database provided by the company. Typically consumer data files provide higher append match rates. The target audience can also play a role in the match success.

The second factor that plays a large role in the successful match rate is the number of domains or total records in the service provider’s database. Naturally the larger the database the more opportunities there will be for a successful match. Having said that, here are the averages one can typically expect.

  • Consumer File: 25-45%
  • Business-to-Business File: 35-85%

Depending on the service provider used and whether it is required to run an opt-out message, the time varies. For a straight append with no opt-out message, the process generally takes 5 business days. This can often be reduced to a one or two days in some situations. If the append project requires the vendor to send an opt-out message, this can add approximately two weeks to the time of the process.