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In mathematics, E-functions are a type of power series that satisfy particular systems of linear differential equations.


[edit] Definition

A function f(x) is called of type E, or an E-function[1], if the power series

f(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} c_{n}\frac{x^{n}}{n!}

satisfies the following three conditions:


where the left hand side represents the maximum of the absolute values of all the algebraic conjugates of cn;

  • For all ε>0 there is a sequence of natural numbers q0, q1, q2,… such that qnck is an algebraic integer in K for k=0, 1, 2,…, n, and n = 0, 1, 2,… and for which

The second condition implies that f is an entire function of x.

[edit] Uses

E-functions were first studied by Siegel in 1929[2]. He found a method to show that the values taken by certain E-functions were algebraically independent, one of the only results of the early twentieth century which established the algebraic independence of classes of numbers rather than just linear independence[3]. Since then these functions have proved somewhat useful in number theory and in particular they have application in transcendence proofs and differential equations[4].

[edit] The Siegel-Shidlovsky theorem

Perhaps the main result connected to E-functions is the Siegel-Shidlovsky theorem (known also as the Shidlovsky and Shidlovskii theorem).

Suppose that we are given n E-functions, E1(x),…,En(x), that satisfy a system of homogeneous linear differential equations

y^\prime_i=\sum_{j=1}^n f_{ij}(x)y_j\quad(1\leq i\leq n)

where the fij are rational functions of x, and the coefficients of each E and f are elements of an algebraic number field K. Then the theorem states that if E1(x),…,En(x) are algebraically independent over K(x), then for any non-zero algebraic number α that is not a pole of any of the fij the numbers E1(α),…,En(α) are algebraically independent.

[edit] Examples

  1. Any polynomial with algebraic coefficients is a simple example of an E-function.
  2. The exponential function is an E-function, in its case cn=1 for all of the n.
  3. If λ is an algebraic number then the Bessel function Jλ is an E-function.
  4. The sum or product of two E-functions is an E-function. In particular E-functions form a ring.
  5. If a is an algebraic number and f(x) is an E-function then f(ax) will be an E-function.
  6. If f(x) is an E-function then the derivative and integral of f are also E-functions.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Carl Ludwig Siegel, Transcendental Numbers, p.33, Princeton University Press, 1949.
  2. ^ C.L. Siegel, Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen, Abh. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. 1, 1929.
  3. ^ Alan Baker, Transcendental Number Theory, pp.109-112, Cambridge University Press, 1975.
  4. ^ Serge Lang, Introduction to Transcendental Numbers, pp.76-77, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1966.