Dysert O Dea monastery

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[edit] History

Dysert O Dea Church stands on the site of an Early Christian monastery. The monastery was founded by St Tola, who died about 735, although most of the present buildings are from the 12th century.

[edit] Architecture

The Dysert O Dea Monastic Site is home to the Dysert O Dea Church and the remains of a Round Tower. The church now contains many long forgotten graves with some lovely crosses. The most interesting parts of the church are the east window which is made up of 3 tall arches and the beautifully carved doorway. The doorway is made up of 4 different arches. The most significant arch is the first one which is made up of many faces (humans, dogs and even birds). The other 3 inner arches are carved with different patterns.


The faces found on the outer arch of the doorway

The Round Tower is nothing more than just the stump, only about 15 feet high. The doorway is still present near the top of the stump and there are still 2 arrow-slit windows at ground level.

[edit] Nearby

This monastic site is part of the Dysert O Dea Archaeological Trail. In the immediate vicinity are many more historical sites, including the Dysert O'Dea Castle, St.Tolas High Cross (with a carving of Christ being crucified), 2 Ring Forts, the remains of a fulacht fia and the ruins of a stone Victorian house dating from 1861.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See also
