User talk:Dylnuge

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi, Dylnuge! I hope you enjoy editing Wikipedia. I noticed you've been on Wikipedia for a while but you haven't been formally welcomed, or written you any messages, so I'm stopping by to give an official hello and offer you some helpful links:

If you are unsure about what to do, but want to help out, take a task.

Here are some tasks you can do:

If you need help immediately with anything, you can write {{helpme}} on your userpage or place a comment on my talk page. You may want to consider joining Esperanza, a community of wikipedians dedicated to encouraging fellowship and cooperation on Wikipedia. Don't forget to be BOLD!!!!--The ikiroid (talk/parler/hablar/paroli/说/話) 01:16, 27 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Forget all those tasks up there

here is a real worthwhile one. I am trying to locate a list and a map and what ever else is out there of where Malvina Hoffman's statues are in the Field Museum of Natural History. When I was there I was not able to find out anything other than if I were to wander around a bit I'd find some of them and that others were in storage and could NOT be accessed. I am also getting readdy to expand the section of the sculpture of the building - by Henry Hering, so if you have any insights there, that would be helpful. Then . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... Carptrash 16:47, 12 February 2007 (UTC)