Dylan's effect

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Dylan's effect is many times repeated situation that stream music of phrase in head. It was explained by Izumi Kawahara(Comic_book_creator,Mangaka) on comics of own.


[edit] a summary

Izumi Kawahara murmur a commercial song of polinky( this snacks released by ja:koikeya ) in comics(ja:because dwarfs make a noise). Next She commented example that theme song of ja:ponkickies, theme song of Rocky, and more.

But perhaps this name is selfishly. Because She has not written the source.

[edit] a defect of memory

If this effect phenomenon as dysmnesia, Dylan's effect can classified a defect of memory. because in Heibonsha_World_Encyclopedia written a defect of remid(ja:記憶#想起_(検索)) is past memory surfaces again actively.

[edit] others

some internet search result "Bob Dylan effect" are exist. but its not verification identical point. and couldnt found define the "Dylan's effect" which encyclopedias or dictionaries.

but some interest which becomes reference what Anne_McCaffrey, The Ship Who Killed(in The_Ship_Who_Sang) that Japanese Translate Edition. this book description that call to Dylanist or Singer the group of Dylan who some protest and explain for society by make music.(p.105) and superior Dylanist can create the melody which "cannot forget it". and extremely as early Dylan's song Blowin'_in_the_Wind for example. (p.109)

[edit] reference data

  • Izumi Kawahara (川原 泉?), because dwarfs make a noise (小人たちが騒ぐので Kobito Tachi ga Sawagu No De?), Japan:Haku-Sen-Sya (白泉社?), 2002.12, p.11 (ISBN 978-4592887218)
  • Hei-Bon-sha (平凡社?), Heibonsha_World_Encyclopedia (世界大百科事典 Sekai Dai-hyakka Jiten?), Japan: Hei-Bon-sha (平凡社?), 1981.04, p.551 (National Bibliography Number:81036925)
  • Anne_McCaffrey(translator:Mariko Sakou (酒匂 真理子?), The_Ship_Who_Sang (歌う船 Utau Hune?), Japan:Tokyo-Sogen-Sya (東京創元社?), 1984.01(ISBN 978-4-488-68301-6)

[edit] See Also
