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Annotated Bibliography Daniel Shor 04/22/08
ARTZ, FREDERICK BINKERD. France under the Bourbon Restoration, 1814-1830. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1931. (BOOK)
This book, discusses the reign of Louis XVIII, as well as other aspects of France during the period immediately following the Bourbon restoration. It contains sections discussing the policies enacted by the reluctant liberal Louis, and how their inceptions helped bring stability to France.
KROEN, SHERYL. "Louis XVIII." Europe 1789-1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire. Ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter. Vol. 3. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006. 1386-1387. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. Trial Site Database. 21 Apr. 2008 <>.(WEB)
This entry from the “Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire”, an online web source, gives a brief summary of the life, and rule of Louis XVIII. It gives a brief summary and discussion about Louis policies and its effect. It discusses the policies and mistakes made by Louis after both the first and second Bourbon restorations. This source is best used as a guideline, with which to structure other sources.
MERRIMAN, JOHN. "Charles X." Europe 1789-1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire. Ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006. 411-413. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. Trial Site Database. 21 Apr. 2008 <>.(WEB)
This entry from the “Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire”, an online web source, gives a brief summary of the life, and rule of Charles X. The article summarizes the decisions made by the reactionary successor to Louis XVII. It approaches in general details the reactionary, pro royalist rule of Charles X and his policies when attempting to end the liberal turn the Bourbon monarchy had made