Duplo Trains

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As of 2007, sets 3771 and 3772 are available with Duplo battery powered trains. These sets include a 4.5 V battery powered engine. The "new" train includes a flat 4 x 6 base in front of a 2 x 4 tall rear section for the motor and electronics. No studs are available on the 2 x 4 rear section, however two buttons are exposed. The large button starts and stops the train. The small recessed button causes the train to make "glug glug" fueling noises.

Switches and a bridge are available for expansion. Sets 3774 and 3775.

The new motorized trains can readily be used with Thomas the Train to make a motorized Thomas.

The electric train base will run for two minutes and then shut itself off. The train will also turn off if it is not running on a surface or if it cannot move (in a crash).

The train periodically makes soft train noises. This happens about every 30 seconds.

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