Dunghe, Taitung

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Dunghe or Tunghe (traditional Chinese: 東河鄉; literally "east river township"), located in northeastern Taitung County, is a rural township close to the rural Fuli Township, in the northeast connecting Chengkung Township, east facing Pacific Ocean, west neighboring Chishang Township, Guanshan Township, and Luye Township, south picking up Peinan Township.

This township is located on the east side of coastal mountain range. It includes 60% of the hillside onshore, divided into coastal and basin areas with gradual upland slopes merging into relatively flat sea stage plains, the area of major development. Basin streams are mainly north-south because of the difficult terrain. Climate is tropical monsoon climate. Rural residents are Taiwanese aboriginal Ami mainly, and the major industry is agriculture.


[edit] History

Dunghe Township has an old name of Ma Wu Cave (馬武窟), which means "fishing net" in Ami language. Under Qing dynasty rule, the township was under jurisdiction of the Office of the Peinan and Taitung direct-controlled state jurisdiction. Metro Orchid Ward Field was set up in 1920, in 1937, it has changed to "Metro Orchid Village", and assigned to the Newport prefectures, Office of Taiwan East jurisdiction. Established in the early postwar period Metro Orchid Township, Taiwan East County, where he is vulnerable to this name.

The name of the two schools of its sources:

  1. MA Wu Cave River Flowing east into the sea from this township.
  2. The first camp, putting Qujiang mayor Chen, whose names are imposed on Portland. One said "Chen" taking "East", "Jiang" to the "river", or the characters of Chen Qujiang namely, the East River.

[edit] Traffic

  • Taiwan 11 lines
  • Taiwan 23 lines

[edit] Education

[edit] Junior High Schools

[edit] Elementary Schools

[edit] Travel

  • Metro Orchid
  • Water flowing upward wonders
  • Fine Source Dell Valley
  • Mountain Metro Orchid
  • Metro Orchid Heritage Site
  • East River Bridge Scenic Area
  • Goldenrespect land-connected island

[edit] Special Product

[edit] Exterial Link

Eastriver Township Hall
