
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My objective in Wikipedia is to help pcb designers create better boards. I work for a company that does assembly. We see large numbers of board designs and I've been compiling a list of areas that give a lot of designers headaches. I also design and build robots as a hobby, so I understand the frustrations of designing pcbs.

I hope that the edits and adds I bring will help at least a few people to avoid some of the difficulties that I have had and that I see on a regular basis.

My Biography

Duane Benson is a long-time technology veteran and runs the marketing department at Screaming Circuits. Screaming Circuits offers quick-turn prototype electronic assembly services with easy online quote and order.

Benson started his career, in the early-eighties designing software and hardware around the Z80, 1802 and 8088 processors. His commercial software efforts included freight scheduling and management systems for national bulk shipping companies and maintenance organization management software sold nationally. He is co-author of a software user interface patent.

In 1989, Benson joined display industry giant In Focus System as their first product manager. After growing their product line by 10X into a $75 million business, he left and became director of worldwide marketing for In Focus spin-off Lightware, growing it into a viable acquisition target. After 1999, Benson was Vice President of Marketing at Internet startup and then Director of Product Marketing at Internet systems management company, TechTracker. Benson also consulted for ad agency Elvis and Bonaparte, as an e-branding and traditional marketing expert where he worked on the strategy and marketing for Healtheon/WebMD, Driveway and other Bay Area and Pacific Northwest Internet companies.

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