
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello. I am DTom13. I am new to Wikipedia. I found Wikipedia on March 20, 2005 while I was surfing the web. I added it to my favorites right away. Later, I decided to become a user.


[edit] About DTom13

I am a freshman in high school who lives in New York. My hobbies include video games, LEGOs, and Pokémon. Yeah, I'm a little old for Legos and WAY too old for Pokémon, but who cares. I have created several Wikipedia articles.

[edit] DTom13's Articles

Jolly Rancher Shiny Pokémon Oscar Smuff The Tower Treasure Chet Morton Hey You, Pikachu!

I've also edited the following: Spinda Airhead

[edit] Miscelaneous

Did I spell that right? Here's miscelaneous stuff about me.

My birthday is May 13th, I like Zelda games, I like Pokémon, I have a Gamecube, I so need a haircut, I read Hardy Boys, I can't whistle, I listen to "Weird Al" Yankovic, I was born on a Wednesday, I like Super Mario games, I have blue eyes, I have white skin, I don't know my own blood type, I like corn dogs.

You didn't read a word of this, did you?

[edit] Picture

I'll add a picture of myself soon.