Dryopteris erythrosora

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Dryopteris erythrosora

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Pteridophyta
Class: Pteridopsida
Order: Dryopteridales
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Genus: Dryopteris
Species: D. erythrosora
Binomial name
Dryopteris erythrosora
(D. C. Eaton) Kuntze

Dryopteris erythrosora (Autumn Fern, Japanese Wood Fern or Japanese Shield Fern) is a species on fern, native to eastern Asia from China and Japan south to the Philippines, growing in light woodland shade on low mountains or hills. It is evergreen, with bipinnate fronds 30-70 cm tall and 15-35 cm broad, with 8-20 pairs of pinnae.

[edit] Cultivation

D. erythrosora can tolerate a dryer soil than many ferns, but is most successful in moist, humus-rich soil, with a pH range of 6.1 to 7.5, with morning or late afternoon sunshine but not during the middle of the day. It is hardy in zones 5 to 11.

A number of cultivars have been selected, including 'Prolifica' and 'Viridosora'. Propagation is by division in spring, separating the small crowns from the larger crowns, or by spores.

If infected with scale insect then use of a cotton swap with alcohol or an insecticidal soap may be necessary.

[edit] References