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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malvales
Family: Dipterocarpaceae
Genus: Dryobalanops

Dryobalanops is a genus of flowering plants and the genus of family Dipterocarpaceae. The name Dryobalanops is derived from Greek (dryas = a nymph associated with oaks and balanops = acorn) and describes the acorn-like nut. The genus has 7 species, confined to the tropical forests of West Malesia (Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo). It is among the most abundant species of emeregent trees in these forest[1]. The genus is of considerable importance as timber trees and sold under the trade name Kapur. The timber is an important heavy and durable construction timber. D. aromatica was an important sources of camphor.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Ashton, P.S. Dipterocarpaceae. In Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, Volume 5, 2004. Soepadmo, E., Saw, L.G. and Chung, R.C.K. eds. Government of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2181-59-3
