Driving Examiner (United Kingdom)

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In the United Kingdom, Driving Examiners are civil servants employed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) for the purpose of conducting the practical element of driving tests. Outside the military and private bus companies who employ delegated examiners who test their own drivers, driving examiners are the only people who are authorised to conduct driving tests and issue the certificate required for obtaining a full driving license in the UK. Driving examiners do not conduct the theory test or the hazard perception test as these take place in an office environment, supervised by administrative staff.


[edit] Organisation

Driving Examiners are based in DSA Test Centres, which exist throughout the country, generally with one in every medium sized town and several in larger cities. The number of driving examiners in any given test centre will depend on the size of the test centre concerned.

Driving examiners may be full or part time, conducting anything from 35 tests a week (full time) down to 14 tests a week (the current part time minimum). Overtime is available when there is demand, which is more or less constant in all but the quietest of locations.

Not counting trainees, there are four ranks of driving examiner - Driving Examiner (DE), Senior Driving Examiner (SDE), Supervising Examiner (SE) and Assistant Chief Examiner (ACDE). A small test centre will be headed up by an SDE, with an SE in charge of several of them. A large test centre is likely to be headed up by an SE. ACDE's are in charge of regions.

There is also one Chief Examiner for the whole country, although the chief examiner is not also the head of the DSA, as there are also several layers of non-examiner management and executive staff employed there.

[edit] Vehicles Tested

All Driving Examiners start as (only) car examiners, since car tests represent by far and away the highest demand on the DSA. After twelve months as a car tester a DE may then apply to become an examiners of any other vehicle which the DE him/herself holds a full license for, and, if accepted, will then train to test for that vehicle.

The most common additional vehicle tested for is the motorcycle, with even quite small test centres usually having at least one bike examiner on site. The DSA tests for every vehicle that a license can be issued for, however, so examiners exist to cover everything from the moped to the HGV.

[edit] Special Tests

Beyond what are known as the "L" tests (ordinary driving tests for any given vehicle), Driving Examiners also conduct the various special tests including the extended driving test for banned drivers to requalify, the various tests required for Approved Driving Instructors to qualify as such, and the extended test required for prospective examiners. These tests are usually conducted by SDE's or SE's.

[edit] Recruitment, Selection, Training and Pay

The DSA recruits driving examiners by national campaign as and when it needs more. The selection process is somewhat protracted.

A prospective driving examiner must have held a full car license for more than five years with no more than 3 penalty points on it at the time of application. If they are successful at the application form stage they will be asked to take first a theory/hazard perception test and then a practical driving test. The theory/hazard perception test is the same as the one taken by learner car drivers except that the pass marks are much higher. The practical driving test is at the same standard as those required for Driving Instructors.

If the would-be examiner passes all of the above they will be invited to interview and if they pass the interview, and if there is actually a vacant post in a location are able to work at, then only at this stage will they actually be employed, and sent on the four week training course in the DSA's headquarters in Cardington. After that they will be given the rank of DE and assigned to a test centre.

A new DE is paid just under twenty thousand pounds per annum, potentially rising to the high thirties if the examiner achieves the rank of ACDE. All ranks based in the London area are paid an extra three and a half thousand pounds per annum.

[edit] Unions and Industrial Relations

The majority of Driving Examiners belong to the Public and Commercial Services Union. Industrial relations between the union and DSA management have been quite poor over the last two years.

At present the PCS is balloting for a rejection of latest pay offer (which is below inflation), but relations are otherwise stable pending a review into the proposed working practice reforms known as Driving Safetly Forward. When these reforms were first mooted last year they caused strikes and a work to rule.

Also the union has long been pressing for a mandatory requirement for cars used in driving tests to have dual controls, and stricter penalties for those who assault driving examiners. Neither of these issues have yet been resolved.

[edit] See also

[edit] References