Dreamy Smurf

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Dreamy Smurf is a male fictional character from the Smurfs.

[edit] Character

Dreamy Smurf often stargazed in the sky at night. His dream was leaving the planet to venture into other planets. He tried to ask assistance from Papa Smurf with his magic knowledge, but it proved to be too difficult. Dreamy Smurf then decided to use scientific methods: he would make a giant space rocket that would "propel him to the stars". After having worked several weeks on his rocket (that was wooden), he prepared himself in a white jumpsuit and a glass bowl as an astronaut attire, therefore becoming Astro Smurf. Alas, the rocket was powered only by his smurfpower on pedals that made a propeller turn, which of course was absolutely inefficient, not even making the rocket move. Saddened, Astro Smurf gave up, becoming depressed. The smurfs took pity on him, so they decided to give him the illusion of his dream coming true.

Papa Smurf told him that they fixed the rocket so that it would really work and fly to space. Astro Smurf, excited, went to his wooden shuttle. Before this, Papa Smurf made him drink a sleeping potion (pretending it was to give him strength). As Astro Smurf "departed", the smurfs shook the rocket and made smoke to give the impression he really flew in the sky. Astro Smurf then fell asleep due to the potion.

Papa Smurf then talked about his plan: the smurfs would take the rocket apart, transporting it and Astro Smurf to the inside of a dead volcano so that it gives an "alien planet" setting for him. As they arrived at the volcano, Papa Smurf gave all the smurfs a mutating potion that turned them orange-skinned (green in the cartoon) , white-lipped and bushy-black-haired. It was to give the impression they were aliens on the planet, and they called themselves the "swoofs" (the "schlips" in the original comic), dressing like tropical natives.

Astro Smurf awakened on the pseudo-planet, then encountered them, which was like a new world to him. He was so happy that he intended to stay with them forever. Papa Smurf (as Grandpa Swoof, leader) was annoyed by this, so he decided that Astro Smurf should pass several trials if he wanted to be admitted as a swoof. Astro Smurf passed almost all of them, though the last one was about spending years working as a slave. Not wanting to bear that, Astro Smurf decided to go back home. "Papa Swoof" gave him sleeping potion again, so that they could bring him back to smurf village after returning to normal from their swoof appearance.

Having lived a great adventure, Astro announced to the village that he was now satisfied to live back on Earth, to much of the smurfs' relief.

In a sequel, Astro "returned" to the swoof world...however, Brainy goofed up the formula, and it wore off too quickly, revealing the ruse.

As captain of the vessel Smurf II, Dreamy was also sometimes known as Captain Dreamy. The Smurf II' appears in at least two episodes of the cartoon series.

[edit] See also