User:Dragon of Crimson

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[edit] Greetings from the Dragon of Crimson!

Dragon of Crimson's Userbox
This user supports Ron Paul for President in 2008.
This user believes that life begins at conception
This user is against
strict gun control.
R This user's favourite colour is Red.

TDTE This user is a member of The Duct Tape Elite.
CSL This user enjoys the works of C.S. Lewis.
This user is an Indiana Jones fan.
Pixar This user likes Pixar and their films.
This user loves the Spider-Man film series.
This user is a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor.

As you may have guessed, judging by the heading above, this is the Userpage for Dragon of Crimson. Dragon of Crimson is, in all actuality, not really a dragon at all; but within the context of the Internet it is and forever shall be assumed by all concerned that he is indeed a dragon. If you find that Dragon of Crimson is too hard a title to say quickly at your own whim, then go ahead and refer to him as Doc. Don't be mistaken, though, he is not a Doctor, for his claws are much to clumsy for that sort of thing, and the sight of human blood makes him... hungry.

[edit] Entirely Fictional Biography of Dragon of Crimson

Once upon a time, in an entirely fictional and faraway land, there was born a Dragon with Crimson scales, who was me. I lived there for quite a while, before realizing that the solitary life of a dragon high in the mountains was not for me, and so I set off to become a CIA Agent. Upon arriving in America, however, I became very distracted, and I forgot all about the CIA. That's when I met up with TheGreatSPOOFER. We decided it would be fun to call each other brothers, so we have ever since.

[edit] More realistic things about me...

I have a short but well organized lists of accomplishments which has grown during my life. One of those accomplishments, appearing twice on the list, included a month of torturous physical endurance in a far away land called Texas wre I was held against my will and forced to do many hard and arduous things, but it was actually quite fun, except for the few randomly dispersed circumstances where I found myself barely escaping death. This was known, by those who propogate it, as 'Quest', at the International Alert Academy in Big Sandy, Texas. A grand experience overall, and one that I subjected myself to twice. The possiblity has arisen to attend it a third time, but I don't think I will. Ha ha.

Another item on my list is the TDTE. Yes, I am a member of that infamous band of Duct Tape Lovers. It came about like this: One day, because I had nothing better to do, I organized a secret society known as SOPBWOP (Society Of Perpetual Bubble Wrap Poppers; don't ask where the second O comes from). I only invited a few people to join. One of those people in turn supplied me with an invitation to his own society-type thingamajigger. That person was TheGreatSPOOFER, and that society-type thingamajigger was The Duct Tape Elite. And so I joined.

I have been attempting to learn the Italian Language for about eight months now. I am one-quarter Italian, and my last name is Italian, so I've always liked Italians. Also, I really think the Italian language is a very nice sounding language. It was because of this that I started learning.

[edit] Movies I Enjoy

There are quite a few movies that I really like. The Indiana Jones movies (The original trilogy and hopefully the new one) are some of them. I also enjoy the Narnia films, being a huge fan of the books. I've seen The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe many times, and own the extended version. I also plan on seeing Prince Caspian the day it comes out (I'm crossing my fingers with that one). I like the books better, and despise some of the changes made in the movies, but most I can live with, and they still are some of my favorites.

In the past, I have been a huge Star Wars fan as well. I wouldn't call myself such a big fan anymore, but they certainly still hold a place in my heart, and amongst my favorite movies. I believe and always will believe that Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is by far the best, and the original trilogy is better than the prequel trilogy, though I enjoy both.

Then we come to Spider-Man. Good movies, I've enjoyed them, definitely among my favorites. I like the second one better than all of them, and i like the third the least.

Now, this list would not be complete without mentioning those infamous movies of sea-faring bravado, those living legends of film which are still young enough to be called 'newish'. Yes, I am speaking of Pirates of the Carribean. Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest is most likely my all time favorite movie. The other two, however, easily slide in amongst my least favorites. Why this humongous difference, this dichotemy of favor between trilogy siblings? Because I just didn't like them. The first was brilliant, the next two were dreadful. Don't get me wrong, there still good movies in their own right, but as sequels to that wonderful first, they simply don't stand up any better than a house of cards in a hurricane. I attribute this to a few different outstanding problems with the sequels: the great character change that Elizabeth Swann underwent; the thoroughly confusing subplots which seemed at times to be more numerous than rabbits at a petting zoo and equally hard to keep track of; the repetition of certain 'jokes' from the first one which were better left alone, and the lack of repetition from jokes which truly could have continued a bit longer; and most of all, the fact that about half way through the third movie, one could be perplexed to the point of fatigue just trying to discern who was on who's 'team', as all the heroes were changing sides every five minutes depending on their own personal goals. The only person who stayed true to the same cause the whole time was Cutler Beckett, and he was the villain of the story. I still own the second and third movies, and enjoy them every now and then, but my point is that they aren't as good as the immensely enjoyable first. Feel free to disagree if you wish.

[edit] My favorite books

Okay, I'm really not what you might call a 'bookworm', but I do like reading. My favorite book series of all is The Chronicles of Narnia. Really, really great books. At first you might be turned off by the fact that they seem to be 'easy-read' or childrens books; the fact is, they are, but they are surprisingly insightful for older readers as well. And they have a quality of adventure unparalelled by other Fantasy books. I have enjoyed Tolkein's Lord of the Rings, and though Narnia has not th epic scale of Rings, I still find Narnia superior, though It's hard to say why. There's a certain naive fairy-tale quality, mixed with exciting adventure in the Narnia books.

Because I like Narnia, I decided to read some other works of C.S. Lewis. I read Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra, the first two books in Lewis's Space Trilogy. Good books, I enjoyed them, although i found it sad that C.S. Lewis, a great Christian in many other areas, seems to believe in an Evolutionary view of history; a view which I do not share. Still, good books overall, and I look forward to reading the third, That Hideous Strength