Dragon Player

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Dragon Player
Developed by Ian Monroe
Latest release 2.0.1 / Feb 26 2008
OS Cross-platform
Genre Media Player
License GNU General Public License
Website http://dragonplayer.org/

Dragon Player is a KDE simple video player built off Phonon and Solid. Dragon Player is the continuation of a video player for KDE 3 called Codeine (originally created by Max Howell) and is developed by Ian Monroe.[1] It is the default video player in the KDE 4 version of Kubuntu 8.04.[2]

[edit] Features

  • Simple interface
  • Resuming videos
  • Support for subtitles
  • Video display settings (brightness, contrast)
  • Due to using Solid and Phonon Dragon Player is independent of any multimedia framework or hardware abstraction layer
  • Supports playing CDs and DVDs[3]

[edit] References
