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Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday, celebrated on February 24. Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia.

The day is known as "the day when the birds are getting engaged". Around this day, the birds begin to assemble their nests and mate. During the day, considered locally the first day of spring, the boys and girls pick up spring flowers and sing together. The frozen snow still present in many villages used to be collected and the water from it used as a magic potion by young girls during the rest of the year. This day is supposed to protect one from the fever which produces shivers and illness. If the weather allows it, girls and boys are supposed to pick snowdrops or other early spring plants for someone they are courting. Dragobete is also known as being the day of lovers for Romanians.

A common belief (in some parts of Romania) during this celebration is that if one steps over his/her partner's foot, he/she will have the dominating role in their relationship. The usual activities for this custom vary from region to region.

In neighbouring Bulgaria, the custom of stepping over the partner's feet is traditionally performed at weddings with the same purpose, but it is not believed to be connected to Dragobete.

[edit] See also

  • Mărţişor - another Romanian spring/fertility holiday