User:Dr pda/prosesize.js
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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//<pre> //This function adds a link to the toolbox which, when clicked, displays the size of the page //and the size of the prose. See the talk page for more details. // //To use this function add {{subst:js|User:Dr pda/prosesize.js}} to your monobook.js // function loadXMLDocPassingTemplate(url,handler, page) { // branch for native XMLHttpRequest object if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } // branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version else if (window.ActiveXObject) { var req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } if (req) { req.onreadystatechange = function () {handler(req, page)};"GET", url, true); req.send(""); } } function getWikiText(req, page) { // only if req shows "loaded" if (req.readyState == 4) { // only if "OK" if (req.status == 200) { // ...processing statements go here... response = req.responseText; var startindex = response.indexOf('mw-search-results'); startindex = response.indexOf('title="'+page+'"',startindex); var endindex = response.indexOf('</li>',startindex); if(startindex > -1){ searchresult = response.substr(startindex,endindex-startindex); result = searchresult.match(/\d+ [Kk]?i?B \(\d+ words\)/); wiki_value = document.createElement("li"); = "wiki-size"; wiki_value.innerHTML = '<b>Wiki text: </b>'+result; var output = document.getElementById("document-size-stats"); prose_value = document.getElementById("prose-size"); output.insertBefore(wiki_value,prose_value); } else{ //alert("There was a problem using the Wikipedia Search to find the wiki text size\nEither the search is not working or the correct article did not appear on the first page of results"); wiki_value = document.createElement("li"); = "wiki-size"; wiki_value.innerHTML = '<b>Wiki text: </b>Problem with search'; var output = document.getElementById("document-size-stats"); prose_value = document.getElementById("prose-size"); output.insertBefore(wiki_value,prose_value); } } else { alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" + req.statusText); } } } function getFileSize(req, page) { // only if req shows "loaded" if (req.readyState == 4) { // only if "OK" if (req.status == 200) { // ...processing statements go here... var fsize = req.responseText.length; window.status = fsize; var total_value = document.createElement("li"); = "total-size"; total_value.innerHTML='<b>File size: </b>'+(fsize/1024).toFixed(0)+' kB'; var output = document.getElementById("document-size-stats"); var prose_html_value = document.getElementById("prose-size-html"); output.insertBefore(total_value,prose_html_value); } else { alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" + req.statusText + "\n(" + url + ")"); } } } function getLength(id){ var textLength = 0; for(var i=0;i<id.childNodes.length; i++){ if(id.childNodes[i].nodeName == '#text'){ textLength += id.childNodes[i].nodeValue.length; } else{ textLength += getLength(id.childNodes[i]); } } return textLength; } function getDocumentSize(){ var bodyContent = document.getElementById("bodyContent"); if(document.getElementById("document-size-stats")){ //if statistics already exist, turn them off and remove highlighting var output = document.getElementById("document-size-stats"); var oldStyle = output.className; var pList = bodyContent.getElementsByTagName("p"); for(var i=0;i<pList.length; i++){ if(pList[i] == 'bodyContent') pList[i].style.cssText = oldStyle; } output.parentNode.removeChild(output); var header = document.getElementById("document-size-header"); header.parentNode.removeChild(header); } else{ var output = document.createElement("ul"); = "document-size-stats"; var prose_html_value = document.createElement("li"); = "prose-size-html"; output.appendChild(prose_html_value); var ref_html_value = document.createElement("li"); = "ref-size-html"; output.appendChild(ref_html_value); var prose_value = document.createElement("li"); = "prose-size"; output.appendChild(prose_value); output.className = bodyContent.getElementsByTagName("p").item(0).style.cssText; var ref_value = document.createElement("li"); = "ref-size"; output.appendChild(ref_value); var dummy = document.getElementById("siteSub"); dummy.parentNode.insertBefore(output, dummy.nextSibling); var header = document.createElement("span"); = "document-size-header"; header.innerHTML = '<br/>Document statistics: <small><i>(See <a href="">here</a> for details.)<i></small>'; dummy.parentNode.insertBefore(header,output); //If browser supports document.fileSize property (IE) if(document.fileSize){ var total_value = document.createElement("li"); = "total-size"; total_value.innerHTML='<b>File size: </b>'+(document.fileSize/1024).toFixed(0)+' kB'; output.insertBefore(total_value,prose_html_value); } else{ loadXMLDocPassingTemplate(location.pathname,getFileSize,'') } //Get size of images only if browser supports filesize property (IE) var iList = bodyContent.getElementsByTagName("img"); if(iList.length >0 && iList[0].fileSize){ //Get size of images included in document var image_size = 0; var first_magnify = true; for (var i=0;i<iList.length; i++){ var im = iList[i]; if(im.getAttribute("src").indexOf("magnify-clip.png") != -1){ if(first_magnify){ image_size += im.fileSize*1; first_magnify = false; } } else{ image_size += im.fileSize*1; } } var image_value = document.createElement("li"); = "image-size"; image_value.innerHTML='<b>Images: </b>'+(image_size/1024).toFixed(0)+' kB'; output.appendChild(image_value); } //Calculate prose size var pList = bodyContent.getElementsByTagName("p"); prose_size = 0; prose_size_html = 0; word_count = 0; for(var i=0;i<pList.length; i++){ var para = pList[i]; if( == 'bodyContent'){ prose_size += getLength(para); prose_size_html += para.innerHTML.length; word_count += para.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"").split(' ').length = "background-color:yellow"; } } //Calculate size of reference markers ([1] etc) var rmList = bodyContent.getElementsByTagName("sup"); refmark_size = 0; refmark_size_html = 0; for(var i=0;i<rmList.length; i++){ var refmark = rmList[i]; if(refmark.className == "reference"){ refmark_size += getLength(refmark); refmark_size_html += refmark.innerHTML.length; } } if((prose_size-refmark_size)>10240){ prose_value.innerHTML='<b>Prose size (text only): </b>'+((prose_size-refmark_size)/1024).toFixed(0)+' kB ('+word_count+' words) "readable prose size"'; } else{ prose_value.innerHTML='<b>Prose size (text only): </b>'+(prose_size-refmark_size)+' B ('+word_count+' words) "readable prose size"'; } if((prose_size_html-refmark_size_html)>10240){ prose_html_value.innerHTML='<b>Prose size (including all HTML code): </b>'+((prose_size_html-refmark_size_html)/1024).toFixed(0)+' kB'; } else{ prose_html_value.innerHTML='<b>Prose size (including all HTML code): </b>'+(prose_size_html-refmark_size_html)+' B'; } //Calculate size of references (i.e. output of <references/>) var rList = bodyContent.getElementsByTagName("ol"); var ref_size = 0; var ref_size_html = 0; for (var i=0; i<rList.length; i++){ if(rList[i].className == "references"){ ref_size = getLength(rList[i]); ref_size_html = rList[i].innerHTML.length; } } if((ref_size+refmark_size)>10240){ ref_value.innerHTML='<b>References (text only): </b>'+((ref_size+refmark_size)/1024).toFixed(0)+' kB'; } else{ ref_value.innerHTML='<b>References (text only): </b>'+(ref_size+refmark_size)+' B'; } if((ref_size_html+refmark_size_html)>10240){ ref_html_value.innerHTML='<b>References (including all HTML code): </b>'+((ref_size_html+refmark_size_html)/1024).toFixed(0)+' kB'; } else{ ref_html_value.innerHTML='<b>References (including all HTML code): </b>'+(ref_size_html+refmark_size_html)+' B'; } //get correct name of article from wikipedia-defined global variables var pageNameUnderscores = wgPageName; var pageNameSpaces = pageNameUnderscores.replace(/_/g,' ') //if page is a permalink, diff, etc don't try to search if(!location.pathname.match('/w/index.php')){ //Get size as returned by Wikipedia search var searchURL = '/wiki/Special:Search?search=' + pageNameUnderscores + '&fulltext=Search'; loadXMLDocPassingTemplate(searchURL,getWikiText,pageNameSpaces); } } } addOnloadHook(function () { if(!document.forms.editform){ addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:getDocumentSize()', 'Page size', 't-page-size', 'Calculate page and prose size', '', ''); } }); //</pre>