Dr. Kozak

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Dr. Kozak is a fictional character in the movie The Shaggy Dog. He is played by Robert Downey Jr. Kozak is the main antagonist of the film.

[edit] Biography

Kozak first appeared in the film meeting Dave Douglas in the court. He is a scientist working for Grant & Strictland. Kozak meets his boss, Lance Strictland, for the experiment with the dog.

In the lab, Kozak tells Strictland about the dog. The dog is Khyi-yag-po, a dog from Tibet that is captured by Kozak's minions. He informs his boss that if its genes were transferred to humans, they can be immortal, living in 700 years. The lab animals undergo side effects from the gene of the dog. Kozak is being informed by the guard to go outside. Outside, there is a crowd chanting for freeing Justin Forrester, Carly's social studies teacher. Kozak asks Dave to get the crowd out.

By the time he got back to the lab, Kozak witness the dog escape. He ordered his two minions, Gwen and Larry, to search it. The next day, Kozak is seen in the courtroom discussing about having Grant & Strictland use genetic mutation.

Gwen and Larry manage to retrieve Khyi-yag-po that it escaped earlier from the lab. In the lab, the two informs Kozak about the rabbit not having side effects when being injected with the genes of the dog. Kozak believed that he did it even though it was Gwen and Larry who done the work.

In the night, Kozak and his scientists planned on injecting Strictland the fountain of youth drug to make him immortal. However, Kozak developed a strong dislike to his boss because he gets the credits always, not Kozak. He betrayed him by injecting him with a paralysis drug in order to get a chance to take over the company. Viewing the outside cameras, Kozak and his minions discovered that Dave is the dog who is in the vent. He ordered Gwen and Larry to capture him.

Gwen and Larry captures Dave and took him to Grant & Strictland. Kozak apologizes Dave for being a dog and won't be leaving alive. He plans to performs tests on him to know how he became the replicate of Khyi-yag-po. Dave bit him in the finger when Kozak puts his finger in the cage. Unknown to him, the bite gives Kozak dog habits.

In the court, Dave argues with Kozak just before he is sent away. He grabs a baton and tosses it, making Kozak fetch it with his mouth. He then grows a tail and was taken away in custody.